Foreword: Written by Ryan J. Sanders in recognization of the fact that he is a so-called "night owl". "I am more productive, and more creatively minded during the night hours," Sanders stated. You may be like this, also!
*************************I am a night owl.
I am most alive during the night.
When the moon shines.
When the streets are quiet.
It feels as if the city is "shut down".
Everyone else is asleep.Here is my problem:
I stay awake very long each night.
I know it's not good for me to stay awake so late.
But the night lures me in.
Every night is the same.
I stay up late.
The next day I wake up late and regret it.
It is like a cycle.This "cycle" is not like other cycles.
It is not like the water cycle.
Nor like the life cycle.
This cycle is evil.
It creates evil outcomes...
Like tiredness.
And like regret.
None of it's outcomes are pleasant.You can even start to dislike sleeping, which is not good for you:
"Sleep - those little slices of death, how I loathe them." - Edgar Allan Poe
Since I am a Night Owl I also worry...
I worry about how I will not get energized enough the next morning.
And I worry that I may accidently get up late, and be late to school/work.
...Any kind of worries are never good.But, I am not the only one who worries about being a night owl.
My family worries.
They are concerned about the amount of sleep I get, too.
They get frustrated at me...
for staying up so late.
I know they just want the best for me.
And, I appreciate it... But,I am a Night Owl.
Most results of being a Night Owl are horrible.
I wish I was never a victim of being a citizen of the night.I am so very productive, thoughtful, creatively minded, and energized during the dark hours. But is most of the rest of society that way? No, of course not. I sometimes feel as if I am one of the only ones.
I used to go to bed at a normal time.
I used to get enough sleep.
None of the negative outcomes of being a Night Owl occurred.
But, alas, I started staying up later and later, and then I became a citizen of the night.Now staying up till 2, 3, etc. is perfectly normal for me...
I do not want to be a Night Owl,
but I am.
It is not always pleasant.
But I am part of this hideous cycle of the the night...I am a Night Owl, and always will be.
Night Owl
PoetryA short poem about being a Night Owl (a person who stays up late), and the negative outcomes that result from being a Night Owl. Includes a short quote from Edgar Allan Poe!