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Henry and Peter walked back to class, on the black board there was 'Music' written smiled at his students "alright, alright, settle we're going to be showimg our homework to the rest of the class" some groans were heard but most students were excited. Henry on the other was slightly confused "em...Mr Jones, what was the homework?" he asked, Killian looked his way "we had to write a piece of music, either with a instument or lyrics, since you weren't here when i set the homework, you can sit this one out" the teen spoke "well actually, I do have a piece of music, so if you want i can play that?" Killian smiled "of cause". Everyone in the class except a girl and Peter only wrote lyrics ancd truth be told, they were terrible, the girl who in Henry's opinion was beatiful, played a piece on the piano which was amazing!! Peter played a piese on the guitar which was also amazing!! "Okay, now it's Henry's turn" Killian said, the teen stood up and grabbed a guitar, he put a note pad in front of him "what's the song called?" Peter asked, his friend smiled "Wake Me Up". With that, he began to play and sing.

Once Henry had stopped playing his guitar, the room was filled with cheers, claps, and whistles, everyone was amazed and surprised by the boys voice and skill at playing the guitar. "Wow Henry, that was incredible" Peter said followed by Killian "Peter's right Henry, that was amazing". The teen boy blushed a tad bit "em...thanks, I don't normally sing or play in front of people" Mr Jones smiled "well you should, you have a talent". They then had science which went fine, Killian had to send someone to isolation though because the boy named Jason tried kept talking. Lunch came and this is when Henry realised something, no one had given him any lunch money 'what to do? I don't have a phone so i can't call or text mum' he was really stuck but figured he just wouldn't have any lunch, he's used to it being that way anyway. Killian was on lunch time duty so he walked around the school, that's when he saw Henry stood at hs locker "hey Henry, you okay?" he asked, the boy looked at the man "yeah, I'm fine" the man wondered why the boy wasn't in the mess hall getting something to eat "arn't you hungry?" he asked, the teen just shrugged "don't have any money". Killian frowned and pulled out a £5 note from his wallet "here, go grab something" Henry shook his head "no, I can't take your money" the man frowned more "Henry, you need to eat and as your teacher and friend, I insist". The teen still didn't take the money "I'm not a charity, but thanks Mr Jones " Killain frowned even more, if that was possible "I never said you were need to eat". The boy still didn't take the money "thanks Mr Jones, but no thanks, see you in class" and with that he walked off, Killian was shocked and a bit sad, he wondered why his student wouldn't take the money and get something to eat, he decided to ask Robin later. The bell went and it was time for the last two lesson, Citizenship and Art, they first learnt about Human Rights and had to make a poster or leaflet on the subject for homework which had to be handed in on Wednsday, then they had Art. They were learning about different art styles, the students got to pick a style that they wanted and had to make a paintin or drawings, Henry chose graffiti because it was his favourite, especially spray painting graffiti. Finally the last bell went, meaning it was time to go home. Henry and Peter said goodbye to Mr Jones and left, they walked to through the town together until they reached a shop "this is my Dad's shop, see you tomorow Henry" Peter said as they fist bumped each other "see ya Peter". Henry walked to the station and walked in, he saw his mum and David talking and laughing as they filled out some paper work. "Hey" he anounced, Emma turned around and smiled "hey kiddo, how was school?" she asked as the two hugged "okay, but next time can you please leave me some lunch money?" the woman groaned "i knew i forgot something, sorry honey" the teen chuckled "relax mum, I wasn't that hungry anyway". David got them some drinks while Henry explained he first day of school, Emma was glad to hear her son talk about school for a change, not how he was fine and not in much pain.

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