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Emma and Killian decided they were gonna have a date night with Regina, Robin, Bell and Mr Gold. They went to a nice restraunt. Henry hung out with Violet and Peter at his house, although the girl had to leave soon, her dad was going out. So now it was just the two boys. "So, have you worked out what you've got to figure out yet??" Peter asked as they snacked in chips "sort of...it's still kind ot complicated, I spoke to Killian about it though...it helped a lot" they smiled "good to hear, you know you can always come to me if you need some help, right??" the older teen asked earning a nod "of course". They were silent for a moment "if you like someone, nothing should matter right??" Henry asked, his friend shrugged "it depends really, on what the thing is, and who" Peter stated with a smile "so, you do have a crush on someone?? Who is it??" he asked, the younger teen blushed "you really like someone by your reaction!!". Henry sighed "promise you won't freak out if I tell you part of it??" the boy nodded "I promise" taking a deep breath, Henry spoke "...I'm bi!!" Peter was a bit taken back by that, but smiled "cool, same here". Henry's eyes widened "r...really?!" he asked earnibg a nod "yep, I thought you knew to be honest, I never say anything about girls, and make an odd comment about boys at our school" he informed, and now Henry thought about it, he remembered. "So...who's the lucky boy then?? Since you said you didn't have a crush I  a girl earlier" Peter asked, his friend froze "Henry??" th kid himself gulped "well em....you see..." he didn't I is how to say it, but his friend slowly began to understand. "This is gonna sound really big headed of me, but...am I your crush??" Peter asked carefully, Henry looked down to the floor as he slowly nodded his head "...yeah...you are". They were once silent until Henry's phone alarm went off "I gotta get back home, it's nearly 10...talk later yeah??" he asked earning a nod "of course, see ya later Henry" and with that they both went home.

Henry took a shower as soon as he got in, dried off and got ready for bed. He warmed up some hot coco with cinnamon before watching a movie. Half way through, the two couples walked into the house "hey kid" they greeted him "hey, how was date night??" he asked, they all said it was great. The adults want to get washed and ready for bed, Killian was finished first and sat with the boy "what's up?? You seem down??" he asked. Henry sighed "I told Peter about me being bi" the man nodded "oh...did he take it badly or something??" he asked, but the boy shook his head "no, he took it greatly...apparently he's bi too" the teacher nodded, remembering the boy one talking about a boyfriend in class once. "So, if he took it good, what the problem??" Killian asked, making the teen sigh "you know how I said I have a crush on someone??" Henry asked earning a nod "yeah??" it only just hit the man "...Peter's your crush?!" the teen quickly shushed him "keep your voice down!! Yes, he is". Killian was surprised "and so...you told Peter this too??" he asked, once again earning a nod "what did he say??" Henry sighed "nothing...we both went silent after he guessed it and then I had to come back home, so I wasn't late" he stated "but Peter said we'd talk later, so that's a good sign...right??" he asked, worried until the man smiled "it's a good sign Henry, just be careful" the boy nodded "I will". The man then thought of a question "when do you plan on telling your mum??" Killian asked making the boy shrugg "I don't know...what if she does the fact that I'm bi??" Henry asked, his teacher smiled "she'll be fine with it, possibly need a bit of time to get used to it, but she's be fine". I'm the note, Emma walked in "hey, so what movie are we watching??".

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