Chapter Twenty-Three- Saviour

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Andy’s POV

     I had just woken up, when my phone buzzed on the table beside my bed. My body froze as I read the text I received from Jane.


            Jane was in trouble. What was going on over there in England? Not giving a damn about my looks, I brushed away the bed-head and stuffed my suitcase with my clothes and personal belongings. Instead of texting Jane back, I texted Ashley to tell him that I’m leaving and to tell the others. Afterwards, I texted Danny.

            Hey, do you have Jane’s address?

            Yeah, dude. Oli gave it to me incase of an emergency. Why?

            Jane’s in trouble, and I think Oli is too. I’m flying to England, hopefully by tonight.

            Wow. Alright then.

            As soon as I got the okay from Ashley, I drove my way to the nearest airport and booked a flight to Jane’s hometown in England. I have to help her. I won’t let her get hurt again. Not on my watch. No matter the circumstances, I’m there for her.


            It was morning when I arrived. Weirdly enough, it was morning when I left home. But the time was different here. I should be used to this by now, considering my band and I touring everywhere all the time. I shrug off the exhaustion and straighten up and read the text from Danny that had Jane’s address.

            I hop into my rental car and put in an Alkaline Trio CD and blasted it up all the way, enough to calm my nerves. The streets were almost clear, surprisingly. I wonder why. It was a nice, sunny morning, but yet no one was out. Perhaps they were all stuck inside their homes.

            It seemed like hours before I finally reached a nicely put brick house in a secluded subdivision outside of town. Cautiously, I stepped out of the car, studying the emptiness of the subdivision around me. Streets were clear and no kids were outside playing away their childhood. It was like a ghost town around here.

 Hoping this was the right house, I walked up the wooden steps and knock on the door. Almost immediately, someone opened the door. It was an older man. I could tell by his worn-out features. His complexion looked dead and pale, while he was obviously loosing his hair. But two things that struck me soon after. His eyes were the same color of Jane’s: blue, as well as he had the same shape of ears that Jane would occasionally show, which wasn’t often.

            This had to be Jane’s father.

            “Hello? Who are you?” The man asked, his voice cracking, a hint of concern sparking in his eyes.

            “I’m Andy. I’m a friend of your daughter and Oliver.”

            Jane’s father’s face flushed up with color, bringing life to his dull complexion. “You’re here to save them, aren’t you?” His mouth opens with a smile, as he wraps his arms around me, squeezing me hard against his chest.

            “S-Sir,” My voices cracks, as I start to be more serious.

            “Oh,” He lets go. “I’m sorry. Let’s go inside, shall we?”

            I nod, as I step inside to the chilly room. Everything in the living room seemed untouched. Not a speck of dirt on the couch or coffee table. Not even any dust on the crisp, wooden flooring.

            As I continued to admire the clean family room, the father stands at the bottom of the stairs, calling up to his son and someone else named Marian. He sighs, as no reply was heard. Walking slowly, he plopped down on the couch. He patted a spot beside him, giving me the sign to sit down.

            As gestured, I sit down away from Jane’s father, but turn my body towards him. My hands in my lap, I look him in the eyes. Looking him in the eyes was hard, for it reminded me of Jane’s bright, strong personality. I missed her. A twinge of guilt stuck through me as I remembered her words, Oliver and I started dating a couple days ago..

            Although it would be more than a couple days now, it still hurt. I never fell in love with a girl in such a short amount of time. I was sure she felt the same away about me, but when I asked her out, she ignored the question. Before she could ever answer, she had to fly back home.

            “Jane’s father,” I start, looking away as I blinked the tears out of my eyes.

            “Call me John,” He interrupts.

            I nod, continuing. I dreaded the question I was about to ask, “What happened?” No, I dreaded the answer.

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