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Louis lived in a simple town with people who lived simple lives. They had simple cars and simple houses. They were simple as fuck.

And Louis Hated it. You see he didn't always live in this simple town. He was originally from San Francisco which is everything but simple. He was a wild teenager who skipped school, got drunk constantly and slept with anyone who had two feet.

But a certain drunk driving accident left Louis with 2 broken ribs, a broken spine, complete loss of hearing in his left ear and partial loss of his hearing in the other ear and horrible PTSD.

His parents were heartbroken and thought if they continued to live in California he would only get worse. So they move to a place no one had heard of. St.Cloud Minnesota.

Louis hated Minnesota, he could write a book about how much he hated Minnesota, from the name to the people.

Louis hated his life. He was stuck in a wheelchair, (Due to his spine injury he had trouble walking even after the surgery. He could still walk but his overprotective parents rather him use his wheelchair) he could barely hear, he would always have nightmares about the accident which lead to panic attacks in the  middle of the night. And he was 22 and still lived with his parents.

He wanted to move out but every time he suggested it, he's parents shoot him down.
How did they expect him to meet people if he just stayed in the house in the house his whole life with his 40 something year old parents. He didn't have any friends since he kinda fell off with all his buddies from San Francisco. So once again, he hated his life.

Present day

Louis couldn't go to sleep. He already knew of the nightmares to come when he closed his eyes. He just wanted to end it. He had absolutely no will to live.

So he got out of bed (very slowly) and walked over to his closet, threw on some sweats, a hoodie and some slippers. Popped in his hearing aids and wobbled to the his window. He propped it open and climbed though it. Thank god he lived in a one story house. He began his journey to kill himself.

On the other side of town

"Alright I got it. Kill the guy and search the body for money then toss him over the bridge." Harry spoke into the phone. He was outside a building waiting for a man to come out so he can get the dirty work down and over with and go to sleep.

"Okay I know what to do." Harry snapped angrily on the phone to his brothers Edward and Marcel. "Yea yea love you too Marcy." Harry finally hung up and spotted his guy. He grinned excitedly and got out the car to do what he loved to do most.

At the bridge

Louis found himself at a bridge. On his long and physically painful walk he had decide to jump off a bridge and drown. He stood there looking at the water and tried to estimate how long he would fall until he reach the water.

Louis was so deep into thought he didn't even notice Harry throwing a body over the bridge or the splash that came after that. But Harry did notice Louis.

He noticed how hard he was gripping the side of the bridge and the tiny tears rolling down his face.

So he decided to walk up to the boy "Hey kid you okay?"

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