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tagged by CreativeActing so. 15 things:

1. I LOVE to read

2. I LOVE to draw

3. Art is bae

4. Alright, alright, i have more than one bae...

5. i have so many awesome friends

6. I co-own this awesome account called

7. My nick-name is JulesMcBooles

8. my favorite color is teal <3

9. ... my fav book HAS to be Maximum Ride (it's a series)

10. ummmmmmmmmm idk

11. I like doing crayon melts

12. OH! I love diy crafts and im gonna be that mom like 'why'd you buy lip balm i made like five tubes yesterday!' oml

13. I LOVE my friends... did I say that already?

14. I'm really weird and nerdy

15. I have glasses... and oh yeah I love being me!

Done! Tagging...








daaprincess- love ur alpha story just btw 



yay so the people I tagged have to do ten things about me and tag... 10(?) people

- love ur alpha story just btw

yay so the people I tagged have to do ten things about me and tag... 10(?) people

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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