Chapter 3

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      When Sydney stepped inside, no one was in the hallways. She smiled and ran to class with her heels banging against the floor making a really loud noise. She didn't care, she just cared about people laughing at her. At the time, she wasn't thinking about her hair, or when she was going into class all the laughter and mean things she would get.

        Sydney was walking around for 3 minutes getting her stuff and going to class. When she stepped into class, everybody's eyes were turned towards her. They all laughed and took out their phones to take videos. Sydney thought everything was ok until she looked down. There was very bad lighting in her room that morning and the dress she was wearing was the one her mom sewed up for her when it tore. The bottom and top lace was a totally different purple than the actual dress. Her shoes were the same type of shoe but different color blacks. Sydney got tears in her eyes but fanned them instead of letting them cry.

       Her teacher frowned and yelled, "Now Ms. Blakker, you should know how to get dressed in the morning! Look at yourself. I would be fine on any other day but today! Today. Today is everybody's big testing day to decide what collages you go to. Did you study Ms. Blakker?"

      "Mrs. Fordsawwbug, I had a rough morning and forgot all about the test! I'm sorry, I'm movi... I mean, I'm moving rooms and I used all my time last night doing that. Please forgive me and let me take the test tommorow!", exclaimed Sydney.

     Mrs. Fordsawwbug frowned and said, "Now Sydney, these tests only are out once a year and if you didn't study...your stuck. I'm sorry but no! Please go to the gym and get some other clothes on. Your distracting the class with that outfit of yours. Bye bye Ms. Blakker, come back here when your done and I'll give you your test."

        Sydney took off her heels and ran out. She ran to the gym and when she got in there, she was embarrassed to talk. She went up to her favorite coach and said, "Can I please have some gym clothes, Mrs. Fordsawwbug is making me change since this outfit is, 'distracted others'?"

      "Fine," said the coach as she picked up a gym outfit 3 sizes to big, "here, take these and go to the locker room and change."

       Sydney said, "Coach, those shorts and shirt is way to big. Can you get me a smaller size?"

       "No, all the ones in your size is being taken.  Plus I'm just to lazy to get the other sizes from the back room" exclaimed the coach.

         Sydney sighed  and went to the locker room the change. Once she was in, she slipped off her dress and then heard a familiar sound. It was Lydia, one of the meanest girls in school. She was coming into the locker room. Sydney put on the gym clothes and ran toward the door before Lydia was going to come in. Right as she reached for the Handel, the door slammed her in the nose. "OW!" Sydney yelled.

      "Oops sorry," Lydia said lying, "I didn't know that rats were in the locker room? Shoo shoo little rat in your little rat clothes! Ok but seriously, go get a life bitch!"

       Sydney had never heard her cuss, she had never been in the same room as her alone. Sydney knew hat she had to do something, she turned around and looked Lydia in the face and said, "No."

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