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"Before you give up,think about the hairs in your anus.Despite their environment,they still grow"


Some People are in worst situation as compared to yours. but they are coping with it and striving hard to succeed,irrespective of their backgrounds.For instance,some are not privilaged to attend school but they are learning how to read and write on their own.
But you have been given an opportunity to school,and studying becomes a problem.Meanwhile, you have been provided with resources to aid in your studies.Then you decide to give up on school due to your inability to study.

Others are in harsh circumstances but they are achieving their aims.They refuse to let their problems become a stumbling block to their success. Rather, they use them as stepping stones to greatness.

If you'v planned on giving up on your goals,please don't.
I urge you to be determined and persue it relentlessly with hardwork and i believe you will achieve it.

With God all things are possible and you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.NOTHING is difficult for Him and EVERYTHING is possible to them that BELIEVETH.

Please let that saying be at the back of your mind always.

Thank you
May God bless and strengthen you.

I love you all.
Please pm me

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