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Make an effort to find your value not by comparing yourselves to others, but by finding your value in Christ.

I am of a fervent hope that,at the end of this message,you will not measure yourself with the wrong thing which produces inacurrate results.
We can find our value by measuring it, with the great potentials the father has placed inside us.

We can see the diversity of people around us.And its soo easy to feel insecure when we see the good things about others,but all we see in us are flaws.

We sometimes can't stop ourselves from comparing how we look from how others look,what we have from what others have,our talents from others'talents;our achievements from others' achievements; our worth from other people's worth.

And this has to stop because we have been using the wrong scale for comparison all the time!

We should always remember that our true worth can only be measured by the Father because He is the only one that sees all of us,and knows all of us.

I hope you have been blessed.
Thank you for Reading ☺☺
God bless you.
Have a blissful day!!

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Love you, 💋💋💋💋

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