Our Love Will Conquer (Larry Stylinson AU Angel!Louis Fallen Angel!Harry)

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Writing it after finishing "Heartless Animal", "Heartbreaker" and "Three Times Styles". Here's it:

Demons and Angels used to live peaceful next to each other until two fell in love. There was a big fight over their child and ever since them the Demons were send under the earth while Angels moved into the sky. They still come down/up to earth to help/destroy people's souls. But since quite a time it isn't safe on earth anymore because of the Angel-and-Demon-Hunter Nick Grimshaw. He captures them and shows them to the people fighting for their lives. Louis is one of the Angels. And Harry is one of the Demons. They did one of the most forbidden thing they could do. And there is only one question: will their love conquer all or will it destory all?

Our Love Will Conquer (Larry Stylinson AU Angel!Louis Fallen Angel!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now