Chapter 5: Suspicion and Sandwiches

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Mark escaped into the kitchen before Jackson could say anything more. He didn't want to let Jackson know of the incident from last night. The scent of sizzling meat and onions greeted him as he entered the tiny kitchen.

As expected, Ten was already there, hunched over ginger. He and Mark exchanged good mornings as Mark got situated at his station.

"How are you, Mark?" Ten asked as Jackson finally appeared.

Mark, while tying his apron on, replied, "Alright, I guess. You?"

"Okay. How are you, Jackson?" He asked to the figure who had followed a few seconds behind Mark.

Jackson nodded firmly. "Good." It seemed as if he wanted to say more, the way his eyes flickered over the other two made it clear there were thoughts left unsaid. He snatched his apron up and tied it on while walking over to the front counter, where someone was waiting expectantly for someone to take their order.

Mark washed his hands and found some onions in the fridge to chop. "Ten, did Jinyoung get in yet?"

A twinge of jealousy went through Jackson's system. As he served the person in front of him, he listened for Ten's answer.

"Yes, he's here. Why, did you need him?"

"No, just wondering." Mark's answer sent relief to Jackson. He let out a sigh of relief as he counted out the correct change. As the customer turned away, Jackson let out an audible sigh and cracked his knuckles. He longed to be doing something other than serving noodles. He wanted to put his muscles to work.

"Hey." Ten's voice suddenly caught Jackson's attention. "I like your ring, Mark."

"Oh, thank you," Mark replied. Jackson turned around and saw Mark pausing his work to twist the silver band around his finger once more.

"Is it new?" Ten asked.

Mark shook his head and picked up the knife again. "I've had it for awhile." At this point Jackson tuned out of the conversation and focused on his work. Mark and Ten's conversation ended, and the three of them worked steadily for about two hours.

Mark was zoned in on julienning the bright orange carrots in front of him that he barely registered when Mr. Kim came in.

"So I'm assuming you're taking on the job, Mark?" Mr. Kim asked.

Mark suddenly jumped in surprise, his knife just barely missing his finger. "Oh," he sighed when he saw Mr. Kim's questioning look. He nodded slowly. "I'd be happy to."

Mr. Kim gave him a small, pleased smile. "Perfect. Thank you so much, workers don't usually like taking this shift."

"It's no problem, thank you for letting me work here." And with a satisfied nod, Mr. Kim slipped away into his office to let Mark do his work.

Ten had been eavesdropping on their conversation. Once Mr. Kim had left, he leaned over and whispered to Mark in shock, "You're so polite!"

Mark giggled and dumped the carrots into the soup. "Not really."

"What are you talking about?" Ten nearly shrieked, his eyes bugging out of his head. "Mr. Kim loves you already!"

Sighing in amusement, Mark ruffled Ten's black hair, much to Ten's dismay. "You're so funny. Are there any other orders?"

Ten nodded and gestured to the ticket. "Glass noodle soup with chicken," he told him, smoothing out his ruffled hair while muttering inaudible words.

Mark understood. He cooked the noodles and poured them into the broth, careful to avoid splashing. Quickly he took some cooked chicken and broke it up into chunks with his knife. He plunked the chicken pieces into the bowl a few at a time, and to top it all off he stuck a sprig of cilantro in the center for garnish. Proud with his work, Mark set it on the counter for Jinyoung to pick up, and he went to go complete the next order.

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