Road Trip

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About a week had passed since Connor coming over and we all decided to have a road trip just to clear our minds and bond more. We had rented a car that had eight seats in it so we all wouldn't be crammed into a smaller car, it was only about a year old and super nice. We were going to drive up to Seattle, stopping off in San Fransisco for a few days.
I woke up on the day of the road trip and immediately got ready, I had packed the night before so I only had to get dressed and all that other stuff. I chose denim shorts, a maroon singlet and some white converse. I brushed my hair and left it as it was, I'm not really a big makeup fan so I just put some moisturiser and lip balm on. I walked downstairs to see the boys already eating so I just made myself some oatmeal and sat down.
"You guys ready?" Skip mumbled through a mouthful of food. We all nodded in agreement. I was super excited the longest drive I had even been on was four hours. This one would be twenty four hours. Our plan was to drive all the way to San Fransisco and stay there for about three days then continue to Seattle. Once we were done eating we jumped into the car and set off. The sun was only just starting to rise, we left this early so we wouldn't be driving too late at night and also because only Beau and Skip were okay with driving. Beau was driving with Daniel in the passengers seat, Jai and James were in the next row of seats then me and Luke were in the back. I plugged in my headphones and looked out the window. Middle by Dj Snake started playing and I just stared outside. (A/N I'm listening to that song as I write this chapter) I wasn't upset or anything, it was just something I did. We were driving past the city, it was so beautiful. The sun was just rising behind all the buildings and skyscrapers. Of course Luke already had his camera out snapping lots of photos. I continued staring outside until someone turned the radio on and ruined my little moment of peacefulness.
"AND WE SWORE ON THAT DAY THAT WE WOULD NEVER FALL APART" We were all singing now. We must have looked so weird to people driving by. Six people singing their hearts out. Honestly we weren't really singing it was more like screaming. Luke rolled down the window and started singing to cars driving by, I did to. People gave us a weird look before speeding off. The song ended and advertisement came on. Beau immediately started changing channels, keeping his eyes on the road of course.
"Wait Beau go back a station" I said hearing one of my favourite songs come on, he did and I started singing along.
"Singing radio head at the top of our lungs, with the boombox blaring as we're falling in love" I paused since nobody else was singing.
"Got a bottle of whatever but it's getting us drunk" Jai joined in, soon we were all once again singing along.
After about four hours of driving we pulled over at a servo to get petrol. We all had our bathroom break and loaded up on snacks. We decided to just walk up and down the side-road for a bit, we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere, just a freeway not too far off. We ran up and down trying to stretch our legs. Then we were driving again, I may or may not have passed out. I woke up to someone poking me, I woke up and saw James grinning at me. I guess they must have swapped seats somewhere along the line.
"Come on we've got another stop over". He said getting out of the car I followed and walked around the service station grabbing a bottle of water and following the boys to the counter.
"Someone sure was sleepy" Beau said laughing as he slid his card to pay for our stuff.
"Yeah I was. Hey how much further have we got to go?"
"Not too far just another four hours" He replied walking back to the car
"Hang on guys I gotta go piss" Daniel said running over to some bushes
"There's a bathroom back in there you idiot!" Luke said pointing to the servo
"Too far to walk back to!" Skip yelled back, I laughed at him and went back to the car. Soon everyone was back in the car and driving off.
"We made it" Jai said jumping out and walking up to a hotel. We had already booked our rooms so all we had to do is check in. We all walked into our suites. We got two so that means that there were two beds and two pull out beds between the rooms. We decided that Luke and Skip would sleep in one bed, Jai and James in another and then Beau had a bed and I had a pull out bed. Once we had unpacked we immediately went to bed.
"Goodnight Natalie!" Beau said from his bed across the room.
"Night!" I replied, making myself into a burrito using the blankets, before I knew it I was fast asleep.
I felt the bed dip beside me and saw Beau sitting there
"Whaaatttt?" I said, I'm not exactly a morning person
"Geez u managed to completely destroy this bed" Beau said referring to the bed that I had managed to completely strip of all the sheets during my sleep.
"Yeah I did, now come on what's on your mind?" I asked, I could tell he was thinking about something.
"Just Connor, I'm really proud of you Natalie, you stood up for yourself and totally showed him who's boss" Beau said looking at me
"Yeah... Hey sorry I don't really wanna talk about it" I honestly didn't, I didn't want to ruin anything.
"All good" Beau hugged me and went to get changed out of his pyjamas, I did the same. I got changed into ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt and flip-flops. We all met up in the lobby and started off our three days in San Fransisco.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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