Where am I?

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"The last we saw of Usage Aki was her rushing to the girls bathroom without any track of her coming out. could it be possible that she died in there? Till next time Mia Yang" News reporter Yang said. Everyone was getting curious of what happen to me but i didn't know that because while they were thinking that i was kidnapped or i died, The note opened itself and a force pulled me threw the so called note. It sucked me threw a different place but at the same place... 

Well this might not make sense so i'll explain what i'm trying to say so when i went thew the portal all i did was go outside of the school with the note in my hand. I glared at the note for a brief 5 minutes then I noticed that i lost my glasses! I patted myself everywhere to feel for my glasses but i couldn't find them!!

"Looking for these!?" A boy with an 12 year old's voice said with a smirk as he twirled them  around his finger. I was not that blind that if you were 3 feet away and pointed out numbers with your fingers that i couldn't see, it would just be blurry and i couldn't see your details that's all. I peered to see what i was looking at when i saw that boy.

"C-c-can you please give me th-those?"I said very nervous "they are very special to me.."  he was about to give them to me when someone pushed him leading to him unknowingly tipping over me which made me fall and he wasn't stable so he fell on me.

Nervously grinning he gave me my glasses. I saw his face turn cherry red when he noticed that not only he was on top of someone, he was on top of me! I think my face turned red too. so then i snatched the glasses from him and ran away. And behind me running along was that boy.

"Hey! Wait Up!!!" He hollered at me "Girl! Wait!!" I stopped running and tried to open the note so i could leave this terrible place. But before i could open it he grasped my arm. Since i'm a scarred cat and antisocial, My instant reflex was to yelp... and that was what i did.

"OHMYGUSH!" in shock of the weird noise that i made, He stared at me with a frazzled look. There was a minute of awkward silence. We stared at each other alone with the whisper of awkward Silence. "W-who are you?" I asked. He sighed then he tightened his bow tie and cleared his throat. 

"My name is..."before he could say his name the portal opened again once more.

I groaned,"Oh..Crap here we go again..." As the portal swallowed me up....

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