Love At First Dance

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Jessie Mcree× D.VA/ Hana Song

"Keep an eye out for a place to drink at." Jessie said, walking around a town with D.VA, who was basically dragged out to come out of base.

"Why did you bring me if you wanted to just want me to find bar?" Hana asked from behind him. "Tracer or even Angela would be fine to have! They like drinking that nasty stuff!"

"Nasty?" Mcree anwsered as he then laughed. "This stuff is better than that stuff you drink, kiddo. After drinking some of things you and Genji bring, some good ol' beer will take that taste away."

She just groaned as then she looked over at him and saw that a bar was open. With speed in her steps and putting an arm over his shoulder, she quickly pointed at a bar that was open.

"There! There! Now we found a place, now can I go back to H.Q?" She asked as Jessie just shook his head and kept walking. "It'll bad for letting me walk by yourself. Come on. You don't have to drink." He said as she stompped her feet and groaned.

Jessie came up to a buff guard who was at the door. He tipped his hat at him and was going to walk inside, until a big arm stopped him and the guard gave him a death stare.


"I.D? Well, name's Jessie Mcree." He awsnered with a smart tone as him and the guard looked in each other's eyes with fire burning.

"Here!" D.VA pulled out both his and her wallets from thier pockets to break up the tension between the both of them.

With quick looks at the both of them, he gave back the wallets and moved his hand for both of them to pass into the bar.

Hana sighed as she looked at Mcree and groaned. "You make everything harder than it is, don't you?"

"That's how Jessie Mcree rolls." He said as he then tipped his hat and the gamer just groanned in annoyance.

Both of them went towards the counter as they sat down together and a woman came over while wiping the inside of a glass.

"Well Mcree. You're here again. Trouble at the door?" He nodded while looking at the girl and putting both of his arms in front of him. "Yep. Oh, I would like for you to meet someone from Overwatch. This is Hana." D.VA waved a little bit as then the girl just smiled and gave out her hand. D.VA gave it a quick shake as then the girl tried to figure out who she was.

"You're that Starcraft girl, right?" She questioned her as Hana nodded and smiled. "Mhmm! How did you know?" "Friends. They told me about you." She said, switching her attention to Jessie.

"Oh Mcree, you know it's dancing night, right? You gonna join? We here at the bar haven't seen you dance in a while." Mcree laughed as he looked at the girl. "Get me some whiskey and we'll see what happens from there." The girl nodded and went away to the back.

"Dancing?" Hana asked as she looked at Mcree and he just took off his hat and set it down beside him. "First it was old man with his hairline, then Gabby with his darkness and now you with your dancing?"

"Yeah. You can't ever be tired for a tackle on the dance floor. But I haven't done it in a while. Couldn't find a partner." He said as then the girl came back and gave Mcree a bottle and Hana had a glass of water.

"Well, since I have to be here against my will, I'll dance with you." D.VA exaggerated as Mcree looked at her and laughed. "Well then, I can't believe that you would offer yourself to that." Jessie then looked across the bar and saw that a band started to set-up with thier drums and much more items. Everyone saw that and some people started to stand to find partners. Hana looked over Mcree as she then crossed her arm over Mcree's and dragged him to the dance floor.

With the band now starting to play, Mcree then gave a small smirk to Hana as she tilted her head.

"Alright kiddo. Let me just teach you. Follow my lead and you'll be better at it."

D.VA nodded at Mcree's response and took a deep breath, thinking as if it was one of her dancing games that she played before.

Jessie moved his foot up and down, starting to tap it as then Hana followed and he smiled. With a quick move, Jessie put a arm around hers and started to kick out in front of him.

Hana became a bit red as she saw how close she was to Mcree as then she kept following his moves. The cowboy then started to side step and slide to the left, doing the opposite direction of the same move. D.VA followed him as she smiled, knowing that she could now follow him and his dance moves.

With more and more various moves, the duo were following every move that they did together. In the end, it was perfect night for the perfect duo.

~At Overwatch's Base~

"Well kiddo. You're more than what I thought." Mcree said as Hana became a dark red and rubbed her arm. "Well you're more then the binge drinker I thought."

Jessie went down to her and kissed her on the cheeks as she stood still, he went inside his room before giving her one last glimpse and said.

"Good night, Noob." Mcree said, saying her line.

"G-Good night... Huckleberry." Hana said, taking his line.

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