At the dance

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You clutched Tord's hand tighter as you walked into the school. You could hear the music coming from the gym getting louder as you got closer. You waled into the gym and saw almost everyone from your school dancing and talking. You saw Edd walking up to you and Tord. "Hey guys!". He said happily. "Hey Edd. Are Matt and Tom here?". Tord asked. "Matt's over there and Tom, well you know Tom. He doesn't come to these things". Edd replied. You looked to where Edd pointed and saw Matt flirting with some girls, they laughed and walked away. He looked disappointed for a minuet until he saw you and Tord. He ran over to you, "Hey guys! Wow Y/n you look beautiful". Matt said. You blushed and looked at the ground. "Watch it Hargreaves". Tord warned as he put his arm around you.

You walked into the main part of the dance where most of the people were. "Im'a go get something to drink be right back". Tord said as he walked away to go get a drink. You stood there looking around. You always wondered what it would be like to go to a dance with somebody. You had dances when you were in junior high but your dad never let you go. It was all so beautiful the decorations, the music, everything. But your happiness soon turned to fear as you saw Tammie with a group of girls standing a little ways in front of you. You turned and put your head down not wanting them to see you, But it was too late.

They walked up to and surrounded you. "Look she's actually wearing something nice for once". One of the girls said. "Yah, would be a shame if something was spilled on it". Tammie said as she threw her drink at you. You gasped as the cold liquid hit your chest, staining your dress. You teared up as they started laughing and walked away. You ran to the bathroom trying your hardest not to cry so your makeup wouldn't smear. You looked at the wet spot on your dress, it was red so it didn't look to bad, you probably wouldn't be able to see it in the dark. But you were still upset Laura spent a lot of money on this dress and now it was ruined.

You walked out of the bathroom and went to find Tord. You saw him standing alone, up against a wall. You ran over to him. "Y/n. Where were you?!". He asked worried. "In the bathroom". You replied quietly. You stood there for a moment before a slow song started playing. Tord grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor. He put his hands on your hips and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He pulled you close to him as you rested your head on his shoulder. "What's on your dress?". He questioned. "Tammie's drink". You replied plainly. "I'm going to kill her". He threatened.

He held you close to him for most of the song, until the very end. He put his hand on your cheek and brought your face close to his. "I love you". He blushed. "I love you two". You replied shyly. He then brought you into a sweet kiss that lasted till the end of the song.

here's a nice long chapter, since the last one was so short. I hope you liked it! My internet is still terrible so this chapter is kind of late. I plan on getting one or two in this weekend! That's all for now. BYE! ;3         

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