Whats going on (pt.2)

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"There's a chance this could all be over". Was all Laura said before hanging up. You stood in shock not sure what she meant or what was happening. You realized that you probably should be going as soon as possible. "Tord! Tord! We have to go back to my house, NOW!". You said running downstairs. "What! Why?!". He asked. "I'm not sure but Laura called and told me too". You replied.

You got all your things together quickly and ran out the door, only to realize that you didn't have any shoes. In all the panic you were in yesterday mourning you didn't have time to get shoes. "You forgot your shoes?". Tord chuckled. You rolled your eyes as he unlocked his car. You got in and drove to your house. You walked up to the door and turned the knob. It was unlocked! Tord quickly stepped in front of you, not wanting you to go in first just in case your dad was right there. He slowly walked inside holding your hand. The house seemed quite until you heard your dad stumble down the stairs. Pure rage burned in his eyes as he saw you and Tord.

"You are not allowed in my house!". He hissed at Tord. Tord didn't reply, he only gave him an angry glare and stood protectively in front of you. "Get out so I can talk to my daughter alone" He warned Tord. "I'm not going to leave my girlfriend here to get killed". Tord challenged. "How dare you accuse me of doing such a thing". Your dad said trying to sound like the innocent one here. "I know what you did". Tord said nodding towards the little puddle of blood that lay where he almost killed you. Your dad looked down at his watch and back up to you. "Your in serious trouble when I get back". He growled as he stumbled out the door.

You looked around your now trashed house that smelled of liqueur and blood. You remembered how this place used too look, before your dad hated you. It was actually nice, actually felt like home. Your thoughts were interrupted by Tords arms snaking around your waist. "I'm going to stay with you until this is over". He said lovingly. You smiled, and leaned back onto his chest.

Where was your dad going? What was going to happen? Could this all really be over? Find out next time in Illegal Love.

Hey guys! Once again i'm sorry for not updating for a week but with all the holidays and stuff its been hard. I wanted to update yesterday since we had a snow day but I didn't get a chance too. I was going to update earlier Today since we had a snow day again but i didn't get too till tonight. I hope you all liked this chapter! That's all for now! BYE! ;3

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