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“The days were long since past innocent. The pure colors of the world were forever stained red in my eyes. Long have I dreamed of the day that I could escape this fate I had entered into and reclaim the innocence of my youth. All the while I wished for these things I still know they would never come to be.” I finished writing the poem. The worn paper I was writing on crackled as I rolled up the scroll. Living on this small salary of mine from kill to kill didn’t pay enough for high quality paper. This however was the world Cullin was stuck living in.

Cullin was sitting on a roof currently waiting for his mark to go by. It was about 2:30 Zantic morning time. His mark was a wealthy noble high up in the Zantic imperial. This mark would bring a real shilling in his pocket. The briefing stated that he was leaving his favorite “hobby” before his wife awoke to a missing husband. One that was presumably in the arms of another more exoctic woman. At least that’s what the briefing stated. He never really cared about the marks history or all that his only focus was the mission. However the thing that brought out this mission was the fact that this particular noble was well known for not going after other women. His at least in the public eye was for his wife and honor. At least that is how he always presented himself.

Five minutes later Cullin saw a caravan of eight guards and palanquin otherwise known as a gama. Four of the guards were carrying the gama the rest were guarding the gama. The strange thing about this gama was that their was more room than even most nobles preferred. This was another odd thing that stuck out to him since this noble was a very simple man. He was an ex-military man known for keeping it simple. In fact the only reason his mansion was somewhat fancy was his wife.

These odd things kept sticking out in Cullin’s mind. Being a professional assassin had taught him many things. For example one of the things that Cullin had learned was that when things began to stick out and your gut told you to watch out you listened because if you did not you would die.

Cullin was a young man in his very early twenties. He was 5’10 with brown hair and the darkest colored eyes you had ever scene. At first glance Cullin did not look like much but there was more to him then meet the eye. Something most people would never be able to guess about him was that he was an artist. During his free time he spent much time write poetry on rough crackly paper. Something else about him was that he was a very lonely man. During the day when he was undercover or just walking around he seemed very content and very happy. But you see that was the thing he was a very good actor. There was no one who really knew him for it seems he was always alone. 

    As Cullin looked down over the roof and right as the group when by his building his presence and his body suddenly vanished. A quick breeze blew on the building he was on previously. Cullin slipped behind the last member of the caravan and as quick as a blink the man in front of him was quietly and motionlessly on the ground a small needle sized hole where one of his pressure point spots were. The group kept moving forward not sensing a thing not noticing that their comrade had fallen.  Cullin kept following the group seemingly taking the place of the previous man.

The caravan kept walking and walking. The noble in an effort to try and make it home faster and feeling that time was running out decided to enter a small dark alley that would have cut the time back to the mansion in quarter of the time. The guard moved closer together and this was when Cullin decided to make his move.

He jumped up onto the window sill above and the guards feeling his presence looked up. They were startled by his presence seeing as the back of the caravan was like a master of defence among their masters guards and he would never let anyone past him. That is when they realized he was not among them.

These guards were wearing armor that matched their master’s clan symbol the bear. They had claw gauntlets and helmets that looked like the open mouth of a bear. The rest of the armor was bronze colored but it looked durable. They each had a long sword on their side and a few of them had throwing knives in sheaths hung across the front of their armor.

In their anger the three men with throwing knives started unleashing a multitude of shots. All the while Cullin kept jumping back and forth between the alley walls agily twisting and turning dodging all of the knives. As he was dodging he landed in-between two of the soldiers that were holding up the gama with a flick of both of his hands they were dead.

Cullin throw two barely visible flashes of metallic color and the guards holding up the front of the gama fell. As he did this he heard a girl exclaim in pain as the gama fell in the front. Running forth of the walls he landed in the middle of the knife throwers. However they were prepared for him. They each brought out a dagger that had a wicked looking edge. One guard after the next aimed at him. They showed the level of their teamwork as the engaged in complicated patterns to kill him. The blades flashed back in forth cutting Cullin’s clothes as he dodged barely past the blows that would slice him to pieces. He slid under one of the warriors and he popped up behind the man run up the wall backflipped off of the alley wall land his feet on top of the warrior's shoulders and as the man went down forced his feet (which out nowhere had blades slipped out of them) out of the man. The other two while he was doing this came at him and out of nowhere they both started bleeding. They had gotten hit by needle’s right in between both of their eyes. 

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