Chapter 1-Cullin

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As I finished the hardest (in my opinion) part of the mission I approached the gama. I found it odd that this noble from my report did not come out to fight himself. From what I knew of him he was a military man. He was a very strong warrior, a very prideful man, and above all he hated to lose. This mission of mine was making me very uneasy. There was something wrong with what was going on.

I look at this abnormal gama and decide to see what should come of my decision to enter. I walk to the gama and with a flick of my hand three needles fill my hand in between my fingers. I carefully approach the gama with a careful sense of foreboding. I walk to the gama. Its high quality sheets blew in the wind however it still revealed nothing. I in a blink of an eye cut the sheets.

I was shocked at what I saw inside. Their was a girl she was only a year or two younger than me at most. She was chained on the inside of the gama. The chains were hung from a strong part of the roof. On her arms were marks from the tight rusty chains. This however was not what had truly shocked me. No what had truly shocked me was that set right in front of her was a set of knives keeping her from moving or to get any ideas. There were some in front of her neck, there were some in front of her head, and there were some in front.

The noble that I was sent to assassinate was gone. There was no trace of him. However the girl was bleeding and it didn't look good. Normally I wouldn't leave anyone but I decided to help her. It is for answers I said to myself. Her eyes were on me as she moaned out in pain. I looked at her ruined white dress it was now covered in red. I looked at the blades and broke them all. Seeing that she couldn't be moved to much I ripped off her dress I bound the gash then I used the expensive sheets to cover her up.

As I was doing this she had passed out from the pain.I moved the girl to halfway down the alley. Then I started the clean up. You see only true amateurs leave behind a really noticeable mess. So I began my clean up. I turned it into something that even in the councilmen (the expert hunters the sanctioned investigators of the empire were called) would see as a betrayal. Rule number one of escape keep the notice off of yourself. If you did not there were all sorts of nasty secrets the empire had for those deemed criminal's. I should know when I was a younger I had been the subject of some of these deeds.

After I finished taking care of keeping my hands clean I walked back to the mysterious girl. I checked her pulse she was okay but she was getting weaker. I had to get her taken care of if I wanted to make the extra effort to be worthwhile. I quickly scooped her up but made sure to be careful too while I was doing it. After making sure that I had a good grip on her I immediately cut of my presence.

I (while being extra extra careful) used the alley walls and vaulted up the roof. I went from roof to roof exciting the richer neighborhoods while wondering why this pale young lady in my arms had been put in such a position as she was. Her body while in the gama was basically at a point that if she moved to much she would get stabbed to death and die. Why would one go to the trouble of doing that if there was such a high chance of death. Also why had it been that the man I had been sent to kill had not been their. This mission was not yet finished it was only supposed to be a quick job and I would be done. However the sources of this job wanted a kill all on this job. They assured me that he would be there and there was no chance of him not. I needed answers and, if I didn't get the information I needed it could lead to my death or even far worse than that the investigators.

I kept running across the roofs till I entered an area that could be considered one step up from the slums. It wasn't quite middle class however it wasn't the poorest area. The place where I lived was only a street away from the normally bustling market. It worked out because the market was a great place for me to get information. Information was one of the key points to survival especially in the royal city of Zantic. This city was a city were the scum ruled and the only good thing about them was that the had a back bone. This empire was the Zantaric empire. It was a nation of war and to truly be in charge most cases you had to be a strong ruler in all subjects to really survive as king. Sadly being kind was not a prerequisite for being a subject and cruel worked if it got the job done. In the entire fifty thousand years of ruling there were very few nice kings.

It was still quite early in the morning only an hour or two had passed since he started. Being only roughly around 3:30 or 4:30 in this neighborhood there really wasn't anyone up at this time. This was part of the reason living in this area was convenient and it suited my purposes. I jumped down from the three story apartment building he was on gently landing on the ground with that mysterious girl still in his arms. Across from this building is the small house I use for my current purposes. It worked out this location does for my purposes. Although it is only temporary (as I would move his base as soon as he felt it was discovered or it was to dangerous to operate this place safely) it was quite quaint and I have a bit of attachment to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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