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                          Chapter two              Detective john of los angeles police department , a detective who is known to have solved many crime cases in the past   was so suprised to see that there was breakage on the door or windows , there was not even sign of  struggle of the victim expect that the room was scattered.Allison still couldn't believe that her sister was kidnapped. "Well , when last did you see mildred"detective john asked her.Allison started crying "I saw her last 10:00pm when we finished watching the news, we left the sitting room together".Does she  have any close friend"he asked allison.yes, a lot, but none of them knows about her where about ."what about friends from the office she works"detective john.Allison who was frustrated shouted at him telling him"I have asked her boss , none of them knows and Mildred is not a type that would go out without telling me, she is too gentle and innocent to do such a thing, what could she have done that someone would have kidnapped her."Detective john "a intern called from, hallway carrying along with him some photographs which he saw in Mildred room."Who is this"he asked allision looking carefully at the picture. "Phil, Mildred ex boyfriend he lives ten houses away from here"Allison replied. "Why did they break up "detective john asked".well, Mildred caught him sleeping with another girl, since then she never talked to him , that is close to a year now."Allison, I am sorry" mark said to her as he sat beside allison ..Mark Stewart is Allison's husband who is an architect .He wasn't around during the kidnapp of Mildred because he was in new york signing a contract , hearing about Mildred made him to take the first flight to los Angeles because he knows that his wife would be worried sick".you must be mr.Stewart"detective john asked him in a know ing tone."yes I am, please if there is anything you can do to find Mildred, please do".mark took Allison to the room in order for her to rest because she was in shock, leaving only him and the detective in the livingroom. "So do you know phil"detective john asked him."yes I do, he dated Mildred for two years though I never liked, I didn't even trust him, infact he broke Mildred heart"mark replied feeling angry , any one seeing him who see the hatred he has for Phil. "Where does he stay"detective john asked him."he stays 10 flat away from here that is number 23, he lives alone"mark replied him."has Mildred ever complained about anyone at her place of work or of any discomfort there"detective john asked him."No, she looks forward to going to office every day , even though she earns little, still she never complained"mark replied."Has she ever demanded for money for anything or drugs"detective john asked. "No , she hasn't "mark replied."Thank you for your time, I will still come back and will also inform you of any newdevelopment"detective john said."you are welcome"mark replied feeling relieved because he was in a hurry to see allison. Detective john and other packed their equipment, there were not able to see any evidence. Detective john knew that this was going to be a hard case since there was no evidence, not even finger prints.He had to see phil and also visit mildred place of work.

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