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                  Chapter three                                
He does it every morning so it is
an hobby, cleaning his car wasnt a problem to him, as he cleaned it he tnought about Cecilia and things she said to him calling  him " a goodfor nothing"all because he  was flirting with a bar maid .Cecilia abusing hin was nt the problem but the main problem is that she reminds him of how  his father abused  him when he stayed with him.phil was born into a family who were neither rich nor poor , there lived comfortably , but it was not a peacefull family. His parent divorced when he was nine years old so he took turns in staying with his parent being an only  child, he hated staying with his father. "I hate jealous girls"phil muttered under his breath, this was the main reason why he broke up with his past girlfriends.His thoughts was interrupted by a voice behind him,"please I am looking for phil Anderson".He looked back and saw a tall , well built man."yes I am"he replied with a frown on his face."I am detective john of los Angeles police department, and I am here to ask you some questions about mildred O'sullivan. Phil face expression changed as soon as he heard  mildred name,"I haven't seen mildred for a long time now infact her sister threatened to sue me if she sees me with her"phil replied looking calm."what happened to her if I may asked"Phil questioned."mildred has been kidnapped"john replied."when was she kidnapped"phil asked feeling worried. "not sure if she was   kidnapped but  she was last seen 11:00pm yesterday"john replied. "lets go in"Phil said to john. Phil lives in a three bedroom apartment, the living room is scattered  that phil had to pile up the dirty and clean clothes together in order for john to sit down. "So what was it like dating mildred"john asked. "well it was good dating her, we dated for two years she broke up with me when she caught me sleeping  with another girl"phil replied. "did she have any boy friend after she broke up with you"John asked. "no , I don'tknow of anyone"Phil replied. "so when last did you see mildred"john asked. "I can't remember, but it is close to a year now"phil replied. "does she have any best friend"john asked. "no , I don't know of any one"phil replied with fear in his voice. John  sensed the fear in his voice.  "is she a drug addict or have you noticed any behaviour pertaining to that" john asked. "no , she is not, I have nof seen her smoking"phil replied. "where did you meet mildred"john asked. "I met her in a party of a friend of mine who works where she works but before then I have been seeing her around"phil replied. "what  is the name of your friend"john asked. "kaden ryan" phil replied."has anyone ever threatened you when you were dating
her"john asked. "Nobody has"Phil replied. "I would take my leave now , thanks for your time if you have any information please do inform me"john said to phil while  putting his note pad and pen in his suit case."sure I would"phil replied."wait...."phil called out to detective john,"mark threatened to arrest me , whenever he saw me with mildred , but mildred told me not to worry. "Thanks for that"john said walking away.

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