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Later that night, England was in his room getting ready for bed. He wanted to sleep but his mind was still on overdrive, and he didn't know how to stop it.

Those children...that boy Tennessee, he was England's son.

England didn't know why this made sense.

Just how many children did he have with America without his knowledge?

This fact made his chest hurt, a feeling he was becoming too familiar with.

Before they headed to bed, the nations saw America sitting on the couch in the sitting room, looking exhausted but refusing to sleep. Of course, Italy tried to approach her, but was held back by Utah, who shook her head. Defeated, the others just went to their rooms to retire for the night.

What was America doing?

A knock came at his door, and England, startled, didn't open it right away. When the knock came again, he rushed to the door, opening it to reveal Virginia.

She was still dressed in her ancient white gown, but she was clearly heading to bed, because she had a nightgown in her arms. She nodded to him.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm afraid we're going to have to share a room," she greeted solemnly.

England, although a little disturbed at her bluntness, allowed her inside. Once that was done, Virginia headed to the room's bathroom, soon coming out in her nightgown. She then walked over to the spare bed that England never noticed in the room.

"I-Is this your room?" he asked.

"Yes, whenever we spend time with Mother during gatherings," Virginia answered, not looking his way.


"Mother always comes here to keep up her facade as a male nation, and we use these kinds of houses to spend time together as a family. They aren't really Mother's homes."

Virginia must've realized what she said, because she said, "I've said too much. Good night Mr. Kirkland."

"W-Wait!" Virginia looked back at England, and if she had been startled by his outburst, she didn't show it. "This isn't...This isn't America's actual home?"

The state said nothing for a long moment, and, because it was dark, England thought she had ignored him and fallen asleep until she said, "No."

As he laid in bed, desperately trying to sleep, England wondered what else he didn't know about the colony he raised.


The group arrived at eleven at night. They were tired as Hell, and were excited to get to their waiting beds after a long day of travel and work. However, when they opened the door to the house using the spare key their mother gave them, they found their sleeping mother on the couch, waiting for them.

They went over to her, and gently shook her.

"Mother," one of the two girls in the group of four whispered. She was a girl with shoulder-length black hair, sky blue eyes, and wearing bright feminine clothing, and she bore a striking resemblance to the other girl, except that girl's hair was longer to her waist and she wore gothic clothes. Hearing them, their mother was awake and blinking at them, before she smiled tiredly.

"Hello," she whispered back, allowing her four children to hug her.

"You should go to bed Mother, we're here now," the boy, who appeared as a mixture of America and England physically, whispered.

America smiled. "Alright, but don't stay up too late." With that she headed off to bed.

The four siblings smiled after her, before they followed her to their bedrooms, and as soon as they found their beds, were immediately out like a light.

Boy were the nations going to be surprised again tomorrow.

I had to get this published before it slipped my mind.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now