Invading My Personal Life

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The first performer managed to last a good thirty seconds on the angry bull just before falling off. All the while, the crowd cheered, the sound deafening to anyone with sensitive ears. America and her present children however weren't one of those people.

She clapped along with the crowd at each performance, enjoying each one too. In the past, it was always a favorite pastime of hers to head to any event that symbolized life in the Wild, Wild West, and the rodeo was among them.

Then, the cheers grew louder when a certain someone came out, riding a bull as easy as walking, and happily yelling out all the same. Nearby some girls and men gawked at the man, while others (most of them being female) suffered nosebleeds and passed out at the sight of the man's well-defined muscles and height.

America smiled to herself. It was her son, Rex Jones, also known as the state of Texas.

Texas was everything America said he would be. With his extremely tall and broad frame, he looked like a god among men to anyone outside his family. He wore dirty jeans, cowboy boots, a white shirt, a leather no-sleeve jacket, and a cowboy hat, all of which seemed to further bring out his charm. He also possessed shoulder-length shaggy dark brown hair and the matching eyes.

Eventually, the bull managed to throw Rex from its back, but Rex was prepared for it and landed gracefully on his feet. If there were people still awake, they would've passed out at this sight.

America couldn't hold back a snort, and, nearby, New York and a few of her present children were failing miserably at containing their laughter.

Seeing these reactions never gets old for the family.

Seeing his mother, Rex winked and waved, causing a few people near her to swoon. America smiled back.

As the show continued on, America knew some certain idiots were watching.


Once the show was over, America and her present children waited in the lobby for Texas. He usually took a while, as there were still some congratulations going about after the show. It also gave America time to call certain people out.

"I must say you're very terrible at spying," she called out, rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Are you going to come out now, or stand there like idiots?"

Her children sucked in breaths at hearing this, and turned with glares on their faces. Said people, looks of shame and embarrassment on their faces, stepped forward.

Maine looked up at his mother. "What are they doing here?"

America shrugged. "Don't know, but I'm willing to bet they wanted to spy on my personal life. You know, how many times do I have to repeat myself to you? It's already giving me a headache. You never cared about my personal life, nor do I yours, so what's caused that to change?"

No one dared speak, well, anyone with a conscious, until Italy miraculously spoke up.

"V-Ve...we were just curious."

America narrowed her eyes. "I knew I was a bad idea to let you into my home. You truly have no qualms for personal space do you?"

"Howdy Mama, what's--" The voice stopped when the owner saw the other nations. Turning, the nations nearly jumped out of their skin when they saw Texas, his eyes narrowed and calculating, all while he was slowly reaching for his knife that he kept strapped to his side in case of emergency.

This place didn't allow guns anyway, but why it allowed weapons like knives, don't ask.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" England asked, rude once again.

"I'd remember ya manners if I were you Mr. Kirkland, because the next thing ya now, this here knife will be in your head," Texas threatened, his eyes suddenly dark, evil, and ready to see some bloodshed.

"Texas, please," America sighed. "Not in here. We are still in a public building you know, and I don't want to cause trouble for the staff or the customers."

The large man looked to his mother, before he put away the knife with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Mama, I'll try not to do it again."

America smiled. "That's my boy."

Meanwhile, the nations almost yelled out, "TEXAS?!" until America glared at them, reminding them they were out in public.

"Let's go everyone. I'm afraid we're going to have a long afternoon."

The states groaned.


Back at the mansion, America was sitting in one of the many couches in the living room, which she was sharing with Maine and Alaska, the former who was sleeping on his mother's lap, his headphones in and playing a quiet piano melody. Everyone else sat in the different couches.

"Like I said so many times on the ride back here, yes this is my son, Texas, or Rex Jones. And he's your son Spain."

Spain choked, his tan skin turning into a pasty white, though it had been that way ever since he heard the news the first time. Nearby, Romano was mumbling to himself. "T-Then..."

"Oh yes, you have children with me, a total of four children to be more precise," America answered, looking out the window.

"W-Who are..."

"My sisters are California, Mississippi, and Florida," Texas answered, standing as close to the door as he dared. "Mama, may I go see my darlin' now? I've been wanting to see her for a while now."

America smiled wearily. "Go ahead Texas, and be sure to be back before supper."

"Yes Ma'am!" Texas tipped his head before heading out the door towards the mansion's stable, where his favorite horse was waiting.

America then looked back to the nations and her present children, the former who looked like they were going to melt from the tension and the latter who looked like they'd rather be anywhere but here. America couldn't blame the latter, for she felt the same.

"Now, I'm afraid we still have a lot to talk about here, and it concerns you." She inclined her head to the nations, who were trying to make themselves as small as possible. "Shall I remind you why my people hate their personal bubble being invaded or, should I say, spied on?"

"After all," all the states spoke up, cruel smiles appearing on their faces, ready to unleash Hell. "That is something we Americans do not take lightly."

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