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Kankri gave a soft sigh, boarding the plane his departure from his younger brother and father had been quite memorable. His father gave him the whole "no sex or drugs" spiel, and Karkat muttered a few goodbyes, trying to act like he didn't care, only to give him a hug before he went through security. In a way, Kankri felt relieved, but also scared. Not his favorite feeling. Yes, it would be nice not having to look after his younger brother while his father was working, and not having to spend his breaks working at the local churches. He didn't have much with him, besides necessities and a few pairs of clothes. He had a friend in New York, Porrim, she promised him he could stay there until he got on his feet for a while. While he enjoyed her company, it felt like she was more of a worrisome mother more than anything, from knitting him clothes to cooking him food it got on his nerves. He was always an independent boy, he hated people coddling him. Though he knew she had good intentions, and probably didn't mean to be so motherly.

This was going to be an absolutely horrible plane ride though, he hated the turbulence and the noisy children, and the rude flight attendants. Well, this was going to be a few hours of hell, so he might as well get use to it, in no time he'd be there. Kankri got kind of excited, seeing nobody was seated next to him just yet, silently hopeful nobody would take the seat next to him. He put his bag down under the seat in front of him, plopping down in his chair. Giving a sigh, and a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he thought "I did it."

The ride wasn't all that bad, he slept through most of it, only being woken up by a flight attendant a few times offering him some food or something to drink. It shocked him just a little they served alcohol on planes, and how expensive everything was. After a few more hours of hell, they finally landed. Kankri would never admit it, but he was excited as fuck to see Porrim, it had felt like an eternity since he had seen her. Once everything was situated, everyone got off and went to go claim there bags, the airport wasn't especially busy this late at night, and not many friendly faces were around. He got his luggage, pulling out his phone to call Porrim, about to hit call he heard a excited squeal a few feet away.

"Kanny!" Porrim smiled brightly, coming up to him and wrapping him in a hug, he feared he would pass out. Normally Kankri would detest this, but fuck he missed her so after a few whines he ended up hugging her back.

The ride home was spent laughing and catching up with each other, little did Kankri know Porrim planned on taking Kankri out clubbing tonight, he wasn't in the mood for this. All he wanted was a bed and some sleep. "Oh come on, it'll be fun. Please, please, please?" She pouted, batting her eyes. Kankri rolled his in response, biting the inside of his cheek trying not to smile any or act like he was going to give in. "... Fine, fine. But, I'd like to get back to your place at a decent time, safely, you know how I feel about stuff like this." He crossed his arms across his chest, staring out the window for what seems like forever before Porrim spoke. "Promise. Trust me, it'll be so much fun, we'll be meeting up with a few friends of mine too, so be nice." Kankri muttered something about always being nice.

They got to Porrim's apartment, it looked nice from the outside he thought, though he wouldn't want to live so close to her as prissy as it sounds. Kankri enjoys his space. Porrim helped him get his bags situated, putting them all in her guest room, telling Kankri to get ready and they'd be leaving in an hour. He sighed, flipping down onto the bed, he wanted this forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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