I Don't Have To Exist Outside Of This Place (Chapter 7)

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Bit of a filler chapter, so it's short and a bit boring. Sorry :(


"You're stupid." I said lazily, having woken up once again in those godlike arms. I'd told my parents I would be staying next door for a couple of nights and they didn't seem too fussed, so I'd packed a bag and here I was.

"Why?" Zayn replied, keeping his eyes closed but pulling me closer to him. We'd been awake for a good hour or so but neither of us could be bothered to move.

"Why do you like me? Do you even like me? Are you sure you're not just bored, because you guys don't seem to go out. I bet if you guys went clubbing, or-"

Zayn held a finger to my lips. "Stop talking. It's not like I've never seen a girl before- I'm pretty sure you're beautiful. And funny. And nice to be around." He shuffled so he was more upright and gave me a kiss. "I like you. Stop worrying."

"I just wonder how somebody so perfect could want somebody so plain."

"I don't know...why do you?" He gave me this cheeky little smile and I pushed him playfully.

"Shut up." I cuddled up to his bare chest. "You just....I don't know. You're too good to be true. I'm surprised you're not some sort of celebrity out of pure perfection." I felt him tense for a second, but he started to laugh.

"Now you're the one that's being stupid."

We must've fallen back to sleep because I was awoken to the sound of somebody banging endlessly on the door. Zayn didn't stir so I forced myself out of bed to go and see who it was. I opened the door drowsily and all four boys bounced into the room, jumping on Zayn to wake him up. I decided to leave them to it and go and get myself dressed, even though it was 2 in the afternoon and I wasn't really planning on doing much with my day.

I checked my phone out of habit, and was surprised to see I'd recieved a couple of texts. I'd forgotten I had other friends. I skimmed over them and noted that one had invited me out for drinks the following evening, I wrote out a quick reply out asking if I could bring people, thinking it would be the perfect opportunity to get the boys out, seeing as they didn't seem to go out as a group very often. I knew that Harry was only 17 (and although 18 very soon) so knew that he wouldn't be able to get into any clubs if I didn't find him any I.D.

I found Zayn on the sofa watching telly and scoffing cereal, so I climbed next to him and suggested the idea. He looked at me for a second, his eyes wide, and looked around the room, as though looking for some moral support or an escape.

"Um..." He said through his mouthful. "I'm not sure."

"Why not?" I wasn't one for going out very often myself, but it was strange how a group of young lads sat in all the time, save for the odd trip out during the day.

"Harry's not 18." Zayn sounded relieved to have found an excuse but I shook my head.

"No, it's fine, we can find him some fake I.D."

"No, I don't think Harry agrees with fake I.D."

"Well, I'll ask him. And anyway, even if he can't go out, surely you can?"

Zayn mumbled something and looked like he was thinking really hard, his eyebrows furrowed. I decided to give up on him and told him not to worry, giving him a kiss on the cheek and getting up to go find one of the others. I stumbled across Niall but as soon as I told him about my idea he just went to walk back up the stairs, calling something about no time. At least, I think that's what he said. Louis was my next victim, making himself a drink in the kitchen. I made my suggestion.

"Yeah, that sounds really cool!" He said enthusiastically. Finally, a good response. "But, er..."

"Don't you blow me off as well. It'll be fun!" I said encouragingly, but his face crinkled with concern.

"No...Harry's not 18 yet. We couldn't leave him!"

"I've already heard that one." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at him, waiting for a better excuse. He looked a little bit lost for words.

"Why don't we, er, why don't we get a pizza instead!" He suggested, his face brightening. I shook my head and he sighed. "I dunno, Amy, I just don't think anyone'll be into it." I'd never seen Louis say anything so seriously.

I sighed in defeat. "Not even if it was just us guys?" I looked up hopefully.

Louis laughed. "Maybe. But probably not tomorrow." I stuck out my bottom lip as far as it could go and gave him my best puppy dog eyes but he just laughed at me and left the room. I exhaled in frustration and leant against the kitchen counter, thinking about the situation. It really was odd that a bunch of lads that seemed to enjoy a drink didn't want to go out. Especially since 3 of them were single. Or was it only 2 now? Me and Zayn hadn't known each other long enough to warrant becoming an official couple, had we? If not, then what where we? But I knew one thing for certain; I was falling, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I had spent the last 48 hours constantly with him. Imagining another girl coming onto him whilst we were out for the night got me riled up and I settled on the fact that maybe going out wasn't such a good idea after all.

I wandered back into the living room to find Zayn, who was now playing a video game with Niall. They both seemed to look at me with a worried expression, in case I was planning on hassling them further, but I silently crawled into the comfy looking spot next to Zayn and nuzzled myself under his arm. He didn't seem to pay any attention but I was instantly satisfied as he leant down and placed a kiss on top of my head, and then nudging my head so that he could kiss my lips.

"Oi, mate." Niall called, and Zayn pulled away from the kiss with a cheeky grin. "I've just killed you 6 times. Face, this way." He had this half smile on his face, like he was found it funny and cute but a bit irritating. 

"Pass me a controller, then." I said, sitting up. "I want to play."

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