0.2 | long drives & deep thoughts

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"i'll be there for you, i will care for you"


"c'mon wes, we never get to hang out anymore." rose whined as she tried to get me to come with her to a party tonight. i just wasn't in the mood for one tonight.

"no, rose. ocean is coming over and we're gonna hang. i'm sorry, but i just don't feel the mood to party right now." i answered, throwing a few of my dirty clothes inside my hamper. i really should have cleaned when mom had told me to.

"really? ocean? she's the reason we don't even hang out anymore." rose spat with so much hate, making me frown.

"rosemary, stop. she's my best friend and we don't hang out is because you don't like her. she tries to be nice, but you're always so rude to her." i responded as i heard the door bell ring.

"wes, she has never once tried to be nice to me."

"i have to go, she's here rose. i'll see you later." i quickly hang up, not giving rosemary time to answer back. she annoys me sometimes, but i love her nonetheless.

as i slipped my phone into my back pocket, i heard my mom talking to ocean. "how you doing sweetie?"

"i'm doing good, mrs. tucker"

"that's good ocean, now what did i say about that mrs crap. please call me mom, you're practically family."

"sorry forced habit" ocean chuckled.

walking down the stairs, i waved over to my best friend, "hey ocean." i smiled.

she looked up from her lap and sent me a small smile, making me drop mine a bit.

"hey wes." she gently said, walking up to me. "wanna go for a drive?" she asked as mom went to check on dinner.

i frowned even more, we only go on drives when one of us needs time to think or is upset and we talk after we arrive at a quiet place.

"yeah, yeah sure. let me just go get a jacket real quick, okay?"

she nodded sending me another small smile.

i quickly ran up the stairs and into my bedroom, grabbing my black merch hoodie and charger before rushing back downstairs.

"alright let's go." i grabbed ocean's hand gently and we walked to my car.


driving for about 20 minutes of silence had me anxious. i just wanted to tell him everything.

"are you okay ocean?" he quietly asked, glancing over towards me before looking back at the road.

"are we going to the field?" i ignored his question with my own.

"yeah." he muttered, knowing i was too stubborn.

doing exactly as said, wes pulled into to the small dirt path that was secluded. i unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door, stepping out of the car.

the view was amazing. fields of grass along with the city lights below the cliff. no sign of traffic noise in range, making me sigh in relief.

wes left his phone plugged into the aux cord in his car, playing a playlist of our favorite songs.

i seated myself on top of his car and he settled down next to me. we both stayed silent, watching the sunset. the wind blew threw my light brown hair, making me sigh in satisfaction.

nature always calmed me down.

"i'm leaving wes." i blurted out as the silence got too much for me.

his gaze averted from the view in front of us, settling on me with a confused face, "what?"

i sighed, "i'm done with her. today she slapped me after i called her out. i'm finally done. i'm tired of the hell she put chase and i through. i need to get out of this city for a while."

wes stared at me for a minute, thinking of what to say. he opened his mouth but closed it soon after, speechless. reminded me of the time when we first met.

"do you really think this is a good idea ocean? i mean do you have it plan for this?"

i had no clue what i was doing, but i knew for sure that i needed time away from everything, no matter what.

"i'm just gonna wing it. i don't care. i need to find something that will make me happy."

"typical ocean." wes and i shared a chuckle, knowing i've always had a habit of not thinking before i do.

"i just want to go on a long drive to see where it takes me, i just wanna get away from life."

"then lets do it."

"really? you wanna come with?"

"everywhere you go ocean, i'll be there to follow you and make sure you are safe and happy. i love you ocean, you're my best friend."

i smiled and hugged him, "god what would i do without you wesley finn tucker?"

"i don't know ocean marie conners, i don't know." he sighed, running his fingers through my hair.

as a silence took over us, i thought back to the time wes and i promised each other we were always gonna be together forever no matter what.

"wes?" i asked after a few minutes of looking at the city below us.


"forever no matter what?"

"forever no matter what, baby girl."

Word Count: 890

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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