Chapter Six: Bad Dream

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“Becka! I need another tissue box!” I yelled from my room.

Becka came in with a new box of tissues and set them on my nightstand. “How’re you feeling?”

“I feel like crap,” I said. I had a terrible cold that wasn’t letting up.

“I’m sorry, Kim. Just get some rest and let me know if you need anything,” Becka said, leaving me to wallow in my sickness.

I grabbed a tissue and sneezed into it, balling it up and tossing it into the trash can. My phone buzzed on the blanket next to me. I picked it up and saw a text from Dean.

Are you not coming to class today? –Dean’

I sat up a bit in bed and paused my television to text him back.

Nope. I’m sick. –K’

Unpausing the television, I rolled over onto my side and listened to the sounds coming from the characters on the show. I had almost drifted off when my phone vibrated in my hand.

That sucks. Want me to bring the work we do in class to you after school? –Dean’

‘Yeah, that would be great. But you don’t have to if it’s inconvenient. –K’

‘I wouldn’t have offered if it would be an inconvenient. –Dean’

‘Thanks. –K’

I put my phone down on my nightstand and stared up at the ceiling. Without even thinking, I fell asleep just like that.

I sat in front of a door, carved with symbols I didn’t understand and words I couldn’t read. My hand found its way to the cool, metal door knob. I turned it and the door flew open. All of my senses were attacked. My sighted was occupied by blinding white light that I couldn’t block out. My ears were filled with a horribly high pitched screech. My nose was bombarded by the smell of lavender and mint so strong that it burned. My skin was searing and becoming red and blotchy. I tasted metal, but I soon realized it wasn’t metal; I was tasting blood.

Then, it all just stopped. I closed my eyes and opened them to see a woman standing in front of me. She had long, dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was absolutely beautiful. I stood up and tried to walk towards her, but with each step, I stayed in the same place. I couldn’t get any closer to her.

“Mom!” I tried to say, but the word wouldn’t leave my mouth. I tried to run to her. My feet pounded against the white floor, but I still didn’t move. My mother smiled softly at me and strode over to where I was standing. My eyes brimmed with tears that I had never dared to let fall. She finally reached me.

“It’s been awhile, Kimberley.”

“I’ve missed you so much,” I said, my voice coming out barely above a whisper.

“I miss you too,” she said, putting a hand on my cheek.

I closed my eyes and a tear fell down my cheek. But when I opened my eyes, I wasn’t with my mom anymore. I was on a battlefield. Something blew up in front of me. I dove back and hit the ground, hard.

“Get up, Kim!” called a gruff yet kind voice from my right. I looked over to see my dad standing there, decked out in army gear; a true soldier.

I nodded and scrambled to my feet. My dad handed me a gun to use. I got into position and held the gun tightly in my hands. I felt myself shaking.

“Aim and fire!” my father commanded.

I did as he told me and aimed at one of the enemies shooters. With just the tightening of my finger on the trigger, the man was dead. Again and again, I brought them down. I was shaking more and more with every pull of the trigger. I heard someone collapse next to me. I turned to see who was shot and saw something that crushed my heart.

My dad clutched his chest, blood seeping through from a hole above his heart.

“No, no, no!” I ran over and knelt beside him. His face was paling and the blood was pooling far too quickly on the ground. “You’re going to be okay, dad. You have to be!”

“Kim,” he started, straining to speak. “I love you, and I’m sorry.”

“I love you too, that’s why you can’t leave me! Not now!” I said, tears falling from my eyes rapidly. When they had fallen earlier, it was from joy. Now they were from pain. My dad didn’t say anything else. “Dad? Dad!”  Just like that, he was gone.

I squeezed my eyes shut and put my head in my hands. This couldn’t be happening!

When I opened my eyes again, I was in the room with the odd door again. I wiped my eyes and stood, opening the door. The same things attacked my eyes when the door opened, but just like before they were gone in an instant. I blinked a few times. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw my mom and dad standing there, finally together again.

“We love you, Kim,” they said.

I sat up in bed, breathing heavily. I was drenched in a cold sweat. I ran a hand through my hair.

“Everything’s fine. Dad’s okay, you’re seeing him in a couple weeks.” I reassured myself. I checked my phone to find that it was already 3:45. “I better go get cleaned up. Dean will be here in a little while.”

I climbed out of bed and padded down the hallway to the bathroom for a shower. When I got out and got dressed, I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I plundered through the pantry and found a granola bar to eat. After opening it, I made my way to the living room and laid down on the sofa. The television was already on and playing one of the Harry Potter movies, so I just watched that until I heard a knock on the door.

I got up and jogged over to the door and opened it. Dean stood there with a folder of papers.

“Hey, Kim.”

“Hey, Dean. Thanks for bringing today’s work to me.”

“No problem,” he said, smiling. “So how’re you feeling?”

“I’ve been better,” I said with a shrug. I took the folder and leaned against the doorframe. “Did you do any work for the history project?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I started the research. It’s all there.” He gestured to the folder.

“Okay, great, thanks. I’ll do my part and finish the research.”

“Alright. I better get going.” Dean waved and started walking back to his car.

I frowned. “Dean. Wait a sec.”

He turned around and looked at me. “What is it?”

I ran over to him and hugged him. He stumbled a bit and was obviously taken aback. But, he hugged me back none the less. “Is everything okay?” he asked. I let go and nodded.

“Yeah, sorry. Everything’s fine.” I said.

“Okay then,” he said, laughing lightly. “See you tomorrow?”

“Mhmm. Definitely,” I turned back around and went inside.

I closed the door and slumped down to the floor. I don’t know what came over me, but I had needed a hug. I’m just glad that Dean was there to give me one.



I hope you enjoy this chapter! So, do you think Kim is opening up to Dean now? And what do you think of her parent situation? Her mom is gone and her dad is a soldier. What does that mean to the story line? You'll have to wait and see!

Until next time!~ 

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