First Night

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A/N: Imagine they are at the factory cause in the game they didn't really mention the Pizzeria, my apologies😂

"Are we in some kind of elevator?" Leo asked looking around. He saw a poster of Ballora and Baby.

"Looks so," Donnie said as a voice came on.

"Hi, my name is Handy, and I'll be your tutor for the first night, I'm just an audio, recorded to help you deal with the robots that need help. If you would please kindly enter your name on the keypad?"

I keypad plopped up from the ground scarying the turtles a bit. "Is this some joke??" Raph complained as the letters were go all over the screen. Donnie pushed a button, but an error came up.

"Oh no, it seems as if you are having problem's with the keypad, I will give you a name. Eggs Benedict," Handy said.

Raph frowned then rolled his eyes, "Really smooth..." Mikey was both scared and excited, he gets to see more animatronics after dealing with Freddy and his friends, he hopes that these ones are friendly.

The elevator stopped and Leo pushed a red button that opens the door. The door then lead to a vent. "I guess we are crawling," Leo got low. His brothers followed him from behind.

"Uh, so cramped in here," Mikey groaned as he had to look up at Donnie's but, "Suck it up Mikey, I'm pretty sure you wanted this to happen," Donnie said in annoyance.

The turtles came to a room that had a mask with a party hat on him. There were screens that didn't show anything along with a few cameras. There were two big glass windows on either side that showed a room.

"Wow dudes, check these things out," Mikey pointed at three humanoid faces. Donnie studied them, "See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil."

"Hello and welcome to the main control room. Here you will he advised to test the Ballora and Funtime Foxy to make sure that their systems are up and running for tomorrow's show. If you mind pressing the blue button to your left on the control panel to see if Ballora is doing well." Handy announced.

Leo gulped then pushed the button. The turtles were in amazement as the room lights went on and they saw Ballora dancing on her stage with two Minireenas at her side. The lights went off and it was complete darkness.

"She seems cute," Raph joked. Leo bumped his shoulder, telling him that this is serious. Handy explained to do the same for Funtime Foxy. Once the lights came on, Funtime Foxy wasn't on her stage.

"Oh no, it seems as Funtime Foxy-l jas wondered off her stage, press the red button to give her a shock shall we?" Handy asked.

Leo pressed the red button then shielded his eyes as the room was lit in sparks and electricity.

"Greeeaat..." a low and broken voice box was heard. The lights came on and Funtime Foxy was back on her stage.

"Great job! Now head on over to the Circus Control Room." Handy said.

The turtles looked at each other and went in the vents one by one.

"Warning, motion trigger in the Ballora Gallery vents," a woman's voice came on. "Guys, shh, go slower," Leo warned. The turtles took their time and moments later they arrived in the room.

It has a control panel with two dolls and there were lights going off flashing red.

"For here we do the same like we did for Ballora and Funtime Foxy, let's give it a try on Baby." Handy said.

This time Mikey pushed the button. The lights came on, but not all of them, the turtles struggled to see all of the room, they couldn't tell whether Baby is on her stage or not.

Leo press the shocker button and the light button repeatedly until Kandy said she was on her stage.

"Oh no, it seems we have some system failure, I will have to reboot the system, please wait here, it will take a moment," Handy said as the lights went off, it was complete darkness.

"Creepy..." Mikey said breaking the silence.

Just then a girl's voice came on, it was soft and calm, "Handy will come back on and say he cannot reboot the system, you will have to do it manually."

Mikey got crept out and hugged Raph who was acting like he isn't scared. "Whose voice is this?" Leo wondered aloud.

The girl's voice continued, "I will not harm you, I'm only trying to help, now please hurry, you must hide from them. There is little room in the desk made by a previous worker, he used it to hide."

One the turtles found the space, they all sighed, "She expects us to fit in thst thing?!" Raph shouted and his brothers shoosed him.

Just then noises were heard in the vents, "Alright guys, stealth mode," Leo's eyes went blank. Donnie, Raph and Leo hid in the shadows from above. Mikey who was below was panicking as the noise got louder. "Come and play with me," a child's voice was heard. Mikey yelped squeezed himself in the space in the desk and slide a shield thing across locking himself in.

Leo along with Raph and Donnie panicked as a small figure came in walking towards where Mikey is.

Mikey peeped through some holes that were probably caused by the killing robot. Mikey continued looking until his eyes met a big blue eye, he freaked out then backed up, but the space was already cramped.

The robot was pulling the slide away. Mikey grabbed a hold of it and started sliding it back shut. "How are you so strong?" he groaned trying to shut it. The slide was almost open. Just then the lights came back on and the robot scurried away back in the vents. Mikey made a sigh of relief and crawled out.

"That was too close Mikey"," Leo said jumping down with the others. Mikey rubbed his head, "Sorry."

Handy's voice came back on immediately, "Unfortunately, I was unable to reboot the system, you will have to operate it manually by going through Ballora's Gallery and into the Breaker room where I will assist you from there."

"Ballora's Gallery?! That robot is a creep!" Raph freaked out. Mikey smirked, "I thought you liked her." Raph tackled Mikey.

Donnie and Leo shook their heads, "Come on you two, let's just get this over with, you knows, we might solve Five Nights At Freddy's..."

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