Never Ending Nightmare

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The turtles were pretty much new to the new animatronics. At 1am, they figured​ out that Funtime Foxy works the same as Foxy, close the door whenever you here Ballora jingles, shock the Minireenas when their taking away the oxygen, close the door when Funtime Freddy throws Bon Bon and tap Bonnet's nose whenever she enters the room.

As for Ennard he comes anywhere, he's the main target.

"2am, not bad guys." Leo said to his brothers.

"Ugh, this room is too small." Raph frowned.

Just then a girl's giggle was heard, Bonnet entered the room and Mikey touched her nose which made her disappear.

Donnie checked the cameras and saw the Minireenas tampering with the oxygen tanks, he sent a control shock which drove them away.

Raph then quickly closed the door to his left as he heard Ballora coming from that direction.

They were at 65% battery power, hopefully it should last them long.

"I don't get it, if SL is the last game, why is it showing fnaf 4 bedroom on the monitors?" Mikey asked.

"Wow Mikey, we thought you would know since you're the 'master' at this game." Raph smiled with sarcasm.

Mikey frowned and ignored his brother.

"Bon Bon, go get em!" Funtime Freddy shouted from the right hall. Leo reacted in time and shut the door.

"This is too crazy, we'll just leave that theory to the game theorists or something." Leo answered Mikey.

"Ennard is in the top vent." Donnie announced. Leo reached up and shut the vent in time.

"42% 4am." Raph said looking at the tablet.

"We got this." Mikey smiled.

Just then when no one checked the cameras, Funtime Foxy made the advantage and ran to the right door. Leo screamed as Funtime Foxy grabbed his leg and began to drag him out of the room.

"Shock her!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Did you assume Funtime Foxy's gender?" Raph asked.

"I can't shock Foxy, the electricity will go straight to Leo." Donnie said checking the cams.

"We gotta finish the night." Raph added.

"Uh, 5am but 21% power." Mikey announced.

Leo clawed the ground but Funtime Foxy was stronger than he thought. Leo began to kick it's hand off its leg but it didn't work.

"You belong here." Funtime Foxy spoke with a broken voice box.

"This isn't part of the deal." Leo mumbled.

Just then, Ballora came twirling their way. Leo watched as she twirled right pass him, he then grabbed her legs and Ballora fell on Funtime Foxy. The two crashed to the ground as Leo scrambled to his feet.

Donnie saw the whole thing on camera and gave Funtime Foxy a control chock to go back to its Cove, Ballora also received the shock because she was touching Funtime Foxy.

"Leo!" Mikey hugged his brother as he walked back into the office.

"I'm fine. How long do we have?" Leo asked.

"2%." Raph answered.

Donnie checked the cameras and made the Minireenas go away from messing with the oxygen tank.

"1%." Mikey squealed and hugged unto Leo's arms.

Suddenly a power went out and the montiors shut down. Ballora's jingles were silent and everything was still. The turtles didn't move, all they heard was silence.

The sound a bell suddenly went off alarming that the night was over.

"Did we do it?" Mikey asked letting go of Leo's arms.

"Congratulations, you have beat the night..." Baby's voice was heard.

"Oh yeah!" Mikey cheered with his brothers.

"But, there is something you must know.." Baby continued. The boys calmed down and waited.

"Springtrap is not who you think he is. He is not William Afton." Baby continued.

Mikey gasped.

"Srpingtrap is Micheal Afton. Foolish kids mistaken my brother for my father, I seek revenge one day. But for now I'll see what the future holds for me." Baby said as her voice began to fade away.

"Circus Baby wait!" Leo called.


"Mike Schmidt, is he Micheal Afton? Was he innocent the whole time? What does William have to do with this?" Leo asked, but Baby didn't answer for a moment.

"Perhaps some things are best left forgotten...for now..." Baby said and she was gone.

"Let's go home I guess." Raph spoke up.

Finally back at the lair the turtles rested on the couch.

"Glad that that's all over." Raph sighed.

"It was pretty fun." Mikey smiled.

"Yeah, pretty fun to the point of almost dying." Donnie said.

"I don't think it's over, so many good questions, no answers." Leo said getting into the whole FNAF story.

"Looks like someone's into this." Mikey smirked.

"Guys look." Donnie said pointing at the tv screen.

It turned on by itself and began to have a few glitches. It turned multiple colours before turning off. Just then it turned on again and showed a black and white glitch thing happening. On the thing was Springtrap looking like he's dying, but still active and angry.

"I'm going to come find you...I'm" He said with his voice glicthing out and getting lower. The tv turned off leaving the turtles stunned.

The boys looked at each other.

"This isn't over...isn't it." Mikey said.

((Goodbye for now, not until Scott updates. Right now Scott Games and FNAF World are having some weird conversation. There are more movie teasers and the new book is next month I believe, so until then there will be no more updates for now. Thanks for reading, cya.))

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