The special snowflake:a frozen amd tangled fanfiction

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Every time it snows I go and play outside. Well one day when i was outside catching snowflakes one snowflake was really special, I looked at it and when it fell in my hand it was glowing and I couldn't see anything it stopped glowing and disappeared. I didn't know what happen but then everything started changing. My house turned Into a castle and then Anna,Elsa,Kristoff,Olaf, and Sven appeared! I was so confused and just stood there still trying to take it all in.

Anna came up to me exited and said "are you the one are you are you?!" "Anna I don't think she know" Elsa said. "What do I not know" I asked. Elsa said "every 10 years a special snowflake falls from the sky and glows when the right person catches it". I asked what she meant by "the right person".

She said I was meant to rule over a kingdom took by a evil queen. I am a lost princess" I Asked. Anna said "that's it just like our cousin rapunzel". I asked what kingdom but they said it's whatever I wanted it I be. So basically I was like so confused trying to figure out what on earth they were talking about.

Kristoff came over to me and asked if I wanted him to come but Anna said I needed someone with magic to come. She glanced at Elsa and Elsa glanced at her. They did that for a while until Elsa said "ok we will leave bright and early tomorrow. When it got dark they asked me if I needed a escort to my house and I looked around confused. "Oh sorry I forgot would you like to stay at the castle you can stay in my old room"? I agreed, then when I when't in the room A snowman was in there and I screamed and ran. Anna apologized for not telling me It was in there.

I walked in still a little scared and looked at the snowman I sat down and he danced over to me but his head flew off into my arms. I just sat there with his head in my arms. "woo head rush, hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs" he said taking back his head. I introduced myself and he asked why I was in the castle. I told him "I don't know exactly but I'm pretty sure I'm a lost princess".

Olaf had just sat there waiting for me to say more but I didn't know anything else so I asked him why he was in the castle. "I live here with Elsa,Anna,Sven,and Kristoff". I was confused why a snowman was in a castle but then I though "well why am I in the castle" so I didn't say anything. Anna said it was time to eat so I when't down stairs. "There's so much food you would think we are feeding a army" I said. They look at me as if I was stupid so I just sat down on the last seat where no body else would sit but I didn't know why.

As they all ate I just sat there and Kristoff said "have you never seen food before come on eat". I got up and said "may I be excused"? Elsa said I could go but Anna begged the differ. Anna followed me and asked why I didn't eat. I just told her I wasn't hungry but she knew I was lying. "I know your scared I mean I would be if I found out I was a lost princess with ma-" ."ANNA" Elsa shouted. "Oh sorry Elsa I forgot" Anna said with her head down. "Wait what is she talking about what do I have" I said with curiosity. "Thank you Anna" Elsa said. Anna apologized and left.

"I'm sorry Anna can - well she can have a wild imagination" Elsa explained. I told her that it sounded like she was gonna say magic."she um...she was talking about me I have magic she must have mixed her words" elsa said. She showed me her powers and build a snowman. I stared in aw I loved her magic. "We should get to bed we have a big journey tomorrow " Elsa said. So I when't to bed but elsa didn't her and Anna were talking outside my door.

"I think she should know why don't you feel that way" Anna said to Elsa. "Because if she knows then......THEN" Elsa shouted. Anna hushed Elsa gesturing to my door. As they opened the door I hurried up and layer back down as if I was asleep the whole time. When they looked at me they thought I was asleep and closed the door again. They walked farther away so I couldn't hear them anymore. Olaf and Sven came in and woke me up "come on come on we have something for you" Olaf whispered loudly. They covered my eyes and We all walk outside unspotted when they uncovered my eyes there was a magic wand. "Anna and Elsa said this was yours and not to tell you" Olaf said realizing I wasn't suppose to see it. "Let's just.....let's just go Olaf come on" I said walking slowly looking at the wand I was so curious on what it did.

All the sudden a women in a black dress and cape jumped in front of us. She grabbed my arm and lift me to the top of the castle "go get Elsa and Anna Olaf" I screamed trying to make her let go of me. Elsa and Anna ran outside and looked up to see nothing but the end of her cape. Anna grabbed the wand and gave it to Elsa "you need to catch this" Elsa shouted using her magic to give it to me. I grabbed it but I didn't know what to do but She grabbed my hand and opened a portal then jumped in it. Elsa made a ice portal and when't through it and so did Anna. Olaf ran in it too but Sven had when't to get Kristoff instead. Kristoff ran outside and then seen nothing Sven and Kristoff had found the wand and he opened his own portal and took the wand with him to find Anna and Elsa. As soon as me and the mystery women when't through the portal there was a castle dark and gloomy I didn't even consider I was the lost princess of this castle. She locked my hands with chains but as I walked through the castle it started glowing where I put my foot it would transform into a flower shaped tile piece and it continued.

By the time we got to a room pitch black the castle was so bright and full of joy. She threw me In The room and locked the door. "Who are you what do you want with me"I demanded. She told me I don't need to know her name and I have what she needs. She walked out and relocked the door. The wall started shacking and it fell down. It was kristoff and Elsa Elsa froze the chains and kristoff broke the chains with his ice pick. "Where is Anna" kristoff said in a worried voice. I didn't know where she was she didn't go in the portal with me. "I thought she when't with you guys" I said.

Then we heard A voice yell out "I'm in the next room"! We ran to the next wall and Elsa blasted it down but Anna wasn't in there it was Rapunzel! I looked and then I remembered "did Gothel ever die" I asked. Rapunzel said she thought so but wasn't sure. The women came in and I ran over to her and ripped off her cape. It was Gothel! Elsa made a cage around her but it was just a hologram the real Gothel came holding Anna In Her hands! "Let her go right now" Rapunzel yelled.

Gothel let her go but she had a trick up her sleeve as we left she went to use magic on Rapunzel. I ran In front of her and turned to stone from the magic. Elsa turned around and blasted Gothel with her magic and she turned to a frozen statue. Rapunzel didn't know what to do when she turned around she just saw me. Olaf ran over and just stood in front of me. He took the wand from Kristoff and held it. The wand was glowing and so was I. The magic in the wand and my powers combined and I was no longer a stone statue.

Olaf gave me the wand and I noticed it was glowing so bright. My hair was growing longer and longer I had hair to my feet and it turned white. A crown appeared on my head and I used the magic wand to trance form the kingdom back to a happy full of life place. I was crowned queen and when't to say goodbye to everyone from Arendelle. What I didn't know is Olaf stayed in my kingdom when I left for Arendelle he wanted to stay with me. Of course I said yes and he could use the wand to go back to Arendelle.

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