Waxing Crescent

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At these nights you can see how the moon is reflecting the sunlight at a small portion and the rest of the moon still dark, lacking the shining rays of sunlight. The photons from the sun made way to the rugged surface of the moon, and eventually sending a little bit of light to the dark earth.

The light energy of the sun that comes down to earth in the common name moonlight wasn't enough to give a brighter sight to the black night but for her it was enough. For she knew, it was better than to have no light to shine the paved road she had to walk back.

She couldn't blame that the elders didn't want to agree to streetlights seeing how it would damage some of the old building. And having to head back so late at night, everyone on the street was already asleep judging by how there were no lights emitting from the houses.

The breeze made her feel at ease despite kissing her skin making her shiver. Taking small steps and admiring the surroundings in the low light, she inadvertently saw her shadow from behind the big tree. The tree where he will always spend most his nights there.

Brushing of the thought of him in mind, she fasten her steps but hearing him call her name softly, she turned to face the direction of the tree. Even with only a few showers of moonlight emitting in between the cluster of leaves, she can make out that he was leaning against the tree with his legs crossed.

Blinking as her eyes adjusted to make her vision clearer and to see his figure even better, she could have sworn he smiled at her. But it's probably her eyes seeing things since you're bound to see your imagination in the dark. Gesturing her to close, she took light steps as she came towards him.

Sitting down next to him, she looked back to the buildings she just passed through. And how it somehow made he wonder how the forest of trees can have harmony with the forest of steel that grows bigger and higher day by day.

"Loving the view?" He asked after his long stare at the girl beside him, the only girl that he had talked to. 

Somehow he didn't have the urge to brush her away like how he would with other people. He never wanted to have any ties with people because he know he can never care for them the way the deserved to be. He never thought of it as a gift, nor a curse. But having to love someone based on phases of the moon isn't easy for him. Nor would it be for the one he loves. 

"Now I get why you stay out here in the night Sehun." She said softly, not noticing he had been looking at her since she sat next to him.

"Its the harmony between two things so different that makes it somehow beautiful. And I have to admit it's could be an obsession to just see this view at night. The calmness and how it's seen in the moonlight is just something I can get used to."

"So you didn't think that I only come out and sit here because of my 'curse' and how it's better for me to be under the moonlight to get my emotions of love?" 

He asked curiously because what she said was the total opposite from what he expected. Turning her gaze to him, she gave him a weak smile and leaned back to the tree before reverting her gaze to the view. 

"Seeing what you've been seeing, I don't think you're staying out here because of that. In fact even if you were, your intentions of staying out at night for that reason probably faded away years ago."

"So you're fine being with a person like me?"

"That just makes you well, you Sehun. And I don't mind. Plus, you didn't brush me off when I tried befriending you. Even if the time where you'll want to brush me off, I'll wait for the day where you'll be fine for me to sit next to you. Like tonight."

He wanted to say thank you but he figured he showed it in a different way. Awkwardly he took his hand and clasped it with hers, intertwining their fingers. He felt the inside of his heart drop a little, as if a weight was inserted inside of him. Letting out an awkward crooked smile, he thought that was what it feels like to love someone, even if it's only the slightest tinge of love.

"Always know that the moonlight is there to help you know more about me." He said and she smiled at his words as she rubbed the back of his hand with her fingers.

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