Like Taking Candy From A Baby.

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(( For y'all that don't know, Oliver has his own book!!! There's three whole chapters now already! and so much more to come!!

ALSO! Did you miss out on the sneak peak for this chapter??? WHAT?! Don't miss any more extra content, deleted scenes, requests or updates! I opened a new tumblr (the old one had some serious technical issues) that's . See my page for more info! 

a/n no. 3: this chapter took like a week of me hating every word of it so it's not good but trust me if I didn't just publish it it never would have been finished ))

It was an entire agonising five minutes after the last of Baby's instructions had sunk into the musty air that Vincent finally stirred. "Can we trust it?" 

His voice was loud in the tense silence. Scott flinched, and was glad for the comfort of Vincent's body against him, no matter how cramped. His question had given life to all that Scott feared. "I-I don't know," he admitted meekly. "Eggs said he listened to the voice and he survived... Mostly. She put him in a springlock suit once, but-"

"Oh, great," Vincent growled. He pulled his aching fingers out of the metal sliding door and let it swing roughly open, "Real great. What the Hell gave you the impression that this was a good idea? Thanks to you, we're stuck fifty feet below ground with a group of robots that want to use our blood as WD40!"

"I'm sorry," Scott squeaked, each of Vincent's words a physical blow to the stomach. "I'm sorry, Vincent. I didn't know Handy would shut down the power. Please don't be mad at me. I'm terrified." 

Vincent just huffed angrily, "Well, we've got two choices. Sit under this desk like cowards until we rot, or die trying to restore the power. As much as I hate it, I'm preferring the second." In a move that Scott decided definitely drew the line between fearlessness and stupidity thin, he rolled off of Scott's arm and out of the hiding space. 

Scott whimpered slightly as he stared out into the never-ending blackness. He really, really wanted to stay in the hiding spot. He nursed his numb arm to his chest, "I'm really scared, Vincent. I'm really, really scared."

Vincent got to his feet and brushed his knees, only smudging the grease further into the fabric of his pants, "Well, you're right. Eggs survived when he listened to the voice. It gave us instructions that seemed believable enough, right? It's our only choice. You're a nightguard, Scott. Man up." He gritted his teeth, adding a sour, "We're not in Fazbear's anymore."

Scott let out a deep breath and stared beyond the darkness. His eyes focused on the vent. Anything could crawl up there, and then what would he do? If Baby knew about the hiding space, then the others probably did as well, and he didn't have the strength to keep the door shut if one of them decided to attack. 

He swallowed, and eased himself slowly out of the hiding spot, "You're right. This is my fault. I have to help get us out of this..." He stood up, his arm tingling uncomfortably with pins and needles, "Let's get moving before one of them gets cold feet and decides to give us a friendly welcome." 

"Good," Vincent turned and bent down. He looked ahead, peering down the vent for a moment, "I don't think there's anything in the vent. Go a little way after me. If you hear me call out, go back into the hiding spot. Understood?"

Scott's eyebrows raised, "But... what about you?" 

 Vincent didn't reply. He leaned down and clambered inside the vent headfirst, his body disappearing inside. Scott watched with horror. Anything could be climbing up towards him; he could be killed! He was right. He mustn't feel fear at all!

Scott counted slowly to five. He could still hear the vent clanking as Vincent went down it, but there was no sign of any animatronic. He let out a sigh and walked over, getting down on his knees and crawling in. He wished he could be as brave as Vincent. 

The vent seemed four times as dark as it ever had been, and at least three times smaller. Scott closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. One breath in, one hand forwards. One breath out, one knee forwards. Keep moving. Keep breathing. It'll all be okay.


Scott screeched as something rammed into the side of the vent. There was a huge dint, shaped like a forearm, "Vincent!"

"Shh!" Vincent hissed from further up, "Shut up, they'll go away! Don't make a sound!"

Scott stayed quiet. He tried to stop breathing as much as he could. A gentle scraping sound filled his ears. Long fingers seemed to be drifting along the side of the vent, searching for movement.

"Vincent..." Scott whispered, lifting up his trembling hand, "Vincent, I'm scared," he reached forward, and only noticed the little black sensor box once it was too late. 

'Motion Trigger Activated: Circus Gallery Vent'.

Bang! Bang, bang, bang!

More and more dents appeared on the metal. Scott screamed and  tumbled forwards, barely able to control his own hands and feet. Metal crunched from somewhere beside him, and Scott didn't dare look back because he knew that a small, thin sheet of metal could easily tear under Funtime Foxy's long, razor sharp maw, and he knew that they were clever. Smart enough to rip a hole just big enough to watch you.  

Vincent pushed through the end of the vent and tumbled unceremoniously to the ground. Scott didn't wait for him to move out of the way, he just pushed through the end himself and landed on the cold tile floor.

"I'm sorry," he gasped instantly, "I'm so sorry, I jus-"

"Shut up," Vincent snarled. "Apologies mean nothing. We don't have time."

"But- it's all my fault," Scott sputtered, getting to his knees. He wasn't sure if he was crying or just sweating, "If I'd just been a little stronger, we wou-"


Scott had just enough time to gasp in horror, to spin around and see the protective cover over Funtime Auditorium's entrance completely obliterated. Funtime Foxy had shoved her head through the opening, and was in the process of crawling through.

"Hey there, k-kids!" She croaked out. Her fingers grabbed at the sides of the opening and pushed it. The metal bent and creaked and he forced his shoulders in through the vent. His jaw opened and shut, her face plates going wild, "C-Come and share with me! SH-share your skin, sh-are your flesh..." 

Scott scrambled backwards, yelping. His shriek was cut off when Vincent grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. He tumbled into Vincent's body much more forcefully than either of them expected. 

With a final screech, they overbalanced and fell, crashing through the de-activated safety cover and tumbling loudly into Ballora Gallery. 

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