My name is No

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We took a bow and thanked the crowd for coming to see us perform. We where in Nashville tonight. Luckily we got to stay in a hotel instead of the bus because we had a bit of press to do the next day, we'd be staying for two days instead of one. Every time we stay in a city for more than a day we try to go out and see a bit of the nightlife. So after the show we'd made plans to maybe catch a meal somewhere and go find a lounge or a club or something.
I had thought a lot about my cuddle session with Avi last night. I woke up in the front lounge by myself with a blanket over me. He must have gone back to his own bunk. I hope he was able to rest. This tour seems to really be wearing him out.
After we'd decided where to go we Übered into downtown Nashville and found a nifty little pub to go to. We weren't about to party tonight, we did have obligations the next day. However, it was still nice to unwind, have a few drinks meet some new people, and enjoy each others company.
Mitch sauntered over to me and threw an arm around me.
"I think you have an admirer," he whispered. I followed his gaze to a young looking guy standing across the room with his friends. He was looking at me pretty intently, and it seemed like his friends where hyping him up as well. "He's cute," Mitch said, "what do you think?". Honestly I wasn't in the mood tonight to play along with what I knew Mitch was thinking. He's fascinated with all of my romantic endeavors.
"I don't know Mitch," I said. "Im kind of tired,"
"You're no fun." He teased, "oh shit he's coming over!" And with that he quickly stepped away and latched into Scott's side. Scott glanced over to me and furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed the mystery guy heading towards me. Scott can't help it, he thinks he's my big brother, I love him for it, but I'm a big girl now...
"Hey, Princess." A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I was immediately assaulted by the pungent sent of a thick cologne. Also, I hated when strangers try to call me names like Princess, it's just creepy.
"Hello," I smiled
"Greg," he said holding out a hand, he had nice teeth and slight southern accent which I'll admit was charming,
"Kirstie," I said "Nice to meet you,".
He offered to buy me a drink and we shared a bit of small talk about what we do and where we're from. He'd never heard of Pentatonix and didn't seem too interested either. I didn't bother to mention I had just played to a sold out arena...
Greg seemed more interested in himself anyway, going on and on about his career and sharing jokes he thought was funny.
I could feel the gaze of my band mates from around me. I guess they could sense my discomfort. I was feeling tired, and against my will I let out a little yawn, which I think he noticed.
"Sorry," I said bashfully, "long day."
"Yea, you look kind of tired." He said, "How about if we head back to my place?" He said taking a step closer to me. I peered over his shoulder and saw his friends gawking in our direction. I guess they're expecting him to score...
"No thanks." I said blankly.
"What?" He looked genuinely confused
"No thank you." I enunciated. His face looked distorted, I could tell he wasn't to pleased about being rejected.
"So this is what you do? You go out and let guys buy you drinks just to waste their time and not put out?" His voice slowly getting louder.
"Excuse me?"
"You seem like a Bitch anyway," he spat, "and you're not even all that good looking, you should feel lucky a guy like me is even talking to you!"
I was ready to throw my drink in his face when a large hand landed on my shoulder.
"Is there a problem here?" said Kevin. Kevin towered over this guy. You wouldn't really know it but Kev could be really scary when he wanted to, plus he was significantly taller and larger than Greg...
He shook his head mumbling "fuck this..." and he and his friends left the bar.
"Are you alright?" He asked with sad eyes, "Don't drink this." He said confiscating the drink Greg gave me. He was probably right. "Here I'll buy you another." He offered. By this time Scott and Avi had come over to see if I was okay.
"That's alright, Kev. I actually think I want to leave."
"No don't leave yet!" Scott chimed in, "wait for us."
"But I've had enough, I wanna go sleep." I whined.
"But I don't want you leaving by yourself." He insisted.
"Uh, I'm finished too," it was Avi's turn to speak, "I'll go with you."
With that being said we paid the bartender and the two of us headed out front to hail a cab. Luckily Greg had left by then. We slid into the back seat of the cab and told the drive where we needed to go.
Then it was just the two of us again.
Just me and Avi.
A/N: I hope this chapter wasn't boring. I'll get to the Kavi soon I just have to ease into it!!

Dirty Little Secret ~ Kirstie Maldonado•Pentatonix•KaviWhere stories live. Discover now