Official Trailer for Book 2 'Tainted Soul' (By words)

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The first official cover for book 2

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The first official cover for book 2. Book 2 will be out during or after winter.

--Jasper makes his appearance.--
A lone figure watches the dark streets of the French Quarter.
"I'm coming for you."

"I won't let you hur
"I'm not here to hurt him." Jasper sneered. "I'm here to kill him."
"Yeah," a sarcastic scoff responded. "Good luck with that."

--Alec and Danny will have more appearance.--
"You have the worst ideas ever."
"You say that about all of my ideas," Danny defended.
"That's because they're all bad ideas," Alec argued.

--Danny's secret will be revealed (Hint: half human + half something else)--
"I told you my secret. Now you tell me yours."
"Ok." Danny sighs. "I'm a..."

--Davina will be Mireya's teacher--
Davina showing Mireya how to cast fire.

Davina talking to a figure.
"She is much more stronger and powerful than anyone you have ever met."

--Mireya and Klaus... (Take a wild guess)--
"Love is a vampires greatest weakness."

"I will always love you. No matter which mistakes you make."

--Alec confesses--
"I never stopped loving you. And I never will."

--Mireya meets someone she never thought she would ever see again--
"It's so good to see you all so grown up..."

--Unexpected people return--
"Just because you're possessing a witch, doesn't mean I can't see your true nature."

--A lot of sarcasm--
"Oh, bloody hell."

Jasper drinking a cup of scotch when a familiar blonde vampire walks in, making him groan in annoyance. "Great."
"Hmm, missed you too," she replied.

--Death threats--
"What's to stop me from killing you now?"

--And eye rolling...--
(Imagine everyone doing that)

Here's a chance to ask questions to your favorite characters.












And on November 13th, I will update the questions and their answers.

This is Mireya's daylight ring

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This is Mireya's daylight ring.

She will also have this daylight pendant that Klaus gives her, but only Klaus knows its a daylight pendant

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She will also have this daylight pendant that Klaus gives her, but only Klaus knows its a daylight pendant.

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