"hello young one....."said the strange tom solemnly"Who are you"cried Violetpaw trying to act Brave"No fret young one I am Bluestar and this is Oakheart"said a blue-grey she-cat"Bluestar!Really the famous Bluestar!!!"cried Violetpaw"Yes Violetpaw....."said Oakheart"Oakheart,Bluestar am I related to you?My dad talked about you a lot!!"asked Violetpaw the strange cats looked at each other and nodded FireStar may have been his great-grandfather but FireStar and Mistystar fell in love.......she gave birth to your dads father and he fell in love with Hollyleaf a ThunderClan warrior...."said Bluestar"Mistystar is mine and Bluestars daughter"said Oakheart"WOW!!"said Violetpaw"Quit Yappin' and tell the young 'un"said a strange she-cat"Yellowfang!!"cried Violetpaw"Yes"she replied "Right Violetpaw find 3 other cats from the other clans and tell them ' When the wind blows and the shadows roam the river will flow and blood will spill the thunder and lighting will crash and many left dead"said Bluestar"I will!!'is it a 4cat prophecy though?"asked Violetpaw"Yes now your waking up goodbye Violetpaw!"cried Oakheart
"Wake up Applefur has a stomach ache can you grab my herbs?"said the familiar voice of her mentor Dovefeather"Yes Dovefeather"replied Violetpaw as she got up and stretched.
Featherpaws POV
"Featherpaw....Poppystar says your ready to become a Warrior aswell as Oakpaw,Jaypaw,Yellowpaw,Berrypaw tell them please"said Featherpaws mentor Thunderfoot.Featherpaw nodded and ran to tell them....she lastly went to tell Oakpaw...."Oh hey Featherpaw I know about the ceremony but I have to tell you I Love you......"said Oakpaw"Me too"replied Featherpaw....
Dawnheart POV "Oh Briarstorm your kits are so silly"said Dawnheart"Yes they are"she replied "Hey Quailkit,Volekit,Mousekie,Fawnkit,Doekit"said the familiar voice of Dawnheart brother"Hey Firestripe!!!"called all of them except Doekit.."Oh I better figure out what's wrong with Doekit she normally is always happy to see Firestripe..."said Briarstorm as she picked up the kit and walked to Dovefeather's
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In Windclan
"Ugh Onestar?"cried Brimbleclaw "Yes?"replied his leader " Can we attack ThunderClan and get DawnHeart back please?"he asked "Well....I suppose she is my adopted daughter gather 2 groups and get warriors in bother groups"he replied flicking his tail
"When the wind blows and the shadow roams the river will flow and blood will spill the thunder and lighting will crash and many left dead"said Tallstar to Birdflight(a Windclan she-cat)
In Riverclan
When the wind blows and the shadow roams the river will flow and blood will spill the thunder and lighting will crash and many left dead"said Stonefur to Riverpaw(a Riverclan she-cat)
In Shadowclan
When the wind blows and the shadow roams the river will flow and blood will spill the thunder and lighting will crash and many left dead"said Nightstar to Darktail(A Shadowclan Tom)
The voices echoed in the 4cats heads over and over agian
"WAIT"cried Darktail and then all 4met "WHO ARE YOU"yowled Darktail "I'm Riverpaw"squealed the apprentice "I am Birdflight"replying to Darktails question "I'm Darktail but who are you?!"flicking his tail at Violetpaw "I'm Violetpaw....medicine cat apprentice...of ThunderClan"replied Violtepaw "I'm a Shadowclan warrior"said Darktail "I'm a Windclan warrior"said Birdflight "Apprentice of Riverclan"said Riverpaw When the wind blows and the shadow roams the river will flow and blood will spill the thunder and lighting will crash and many left dead"said Violetpaw And the others cried out"YOU KNOW"