"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here below the highledge for a clan meeting"yowled Thistlestar from the ledge with his deputy Dawnheart beside him "Our three apprentices had their assessments today...as most of you know...Firestripe?Bristleflower?Tinytail are they ready to be warriors?"asked Thistlestar "Yes she is"meowed Firestripe "Yeah she is"meowed Bristleflower "Yes he is"meowed Tinytail "Ivypaw,Fernpaw,Dustpaw do you promise to defend your clan at the cost of your life?"asks Thistlestar "I do!"meowed Ivypaw and Dustpaw "Yes!!!I mean I do"meows Fernpaw "Then by the powers of Starclan Ivypaw you shall now be known as Ivysong...Dustpaw you shall now be known as Dustfur and Fernpaw you shall now be Fernleaf"meowed Thistlestar Adding four new apprentices "Also Seedpaw,Harepaw,Rabbitpaw,Echopaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code"Thistlestar meowed "I do"they meow "By the powers of Starclan I commend these apprentices to you they have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code...Seedpaw you shall now be known as Seedwhisker"he meowed touching noses with the blond tom"Harepaw you shall be known as Harefoot"meowed Thistlestar touching noses with the brown tom"Rabbitpaw you shall now be known as Rabbitwhisker"he meowed touching noses with the blonde She-cat" and Echopaw you shall now be known as Echosong...."meowed Thistlestar to the brown tom
In the nursery "I wanna be a warrior"hisses Moonkit "In one more moon you can be a apprentice"meowed Crowtail walking in "CROWTAIL!!"Moonkit and Starkit mew running up "Hey kits.."he meowed "Raventail may I speak with you?"asked Crowtail "Yeah..Kits stay with Amberfur"she meowed "What is it"she meowed padding out "Well....I over heard SHADOWCLAN planning an attack on ThunderClan...to get the kits...only..."he meowed "No...."she meowed running up to Thistlestar "THISTLESTAR!!THISTLESTAR!"she meowed "Yes?"he replied "Crowtail heard ShadowClan planning an attack on us for the five kits.."she meowed "Ok!"he meowed padding to the Highledge "Cats of ThunderClan gather below the highledge for a clan meeting...I've been informed that SHADOWCLAN are gonna attack for the five kits...I need you all to prepare Dawnheart..Briarstorm....Bristleflower prepare,the Nursery an Bring the elders to the Nursery with the kits and queens...Apprentices fix the entrance and walls...warriors I need you to hunt and guard the boundaries Firestripe will lead the boundarie Patrol and....Tinytail will handle the hunting patrol..."meowed Thistlestar"I will join the hunting patrol...."the leader meowed and they all started working "Thistlestar...Me...Swiftpelt....and Crowtail will guard the nursery"meowed Greywhisker "alright..."he meowed and padded off "What's happening???"asked the kits "We're gonna be attacked!"Raventail meowed "OH NO!!"the squealed and ran to a corner "It's alright the elders....will be here.....I will...be here....Raventail will be here..your father and.. Greywhisker,Crowtail..."meowed Amberfur "Okay"they squealed "I'll grab some fresh kill"meowed Greywhisker And he ran and grabbed two mice three voles and one squirrel And put them in the nursery for elders...queens...kits..and few warriors.... "Violetbreeze...Doefeather..."meowed Crowtail "Starkit is coughing again"meowed Greywhisker "I'll get her and bring her to our den.."meowed Doefeather walking out to grab her "Hey Mom-Violetbreeze"meowed Greywhisker "Hey!"she replied "Well I gotta get going..."he meowed "Goodnight be safe.."she meowed as Doefeather padded in with Starkit "I think she has greencough so what do we use?"asked Violetbreeze "We use Catmint.."meowed Doefeather sniffing the plant🌱 And they all went to their nests to sleep
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