kjo and the seven dwarves

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The Dream Team was suffering from some minor setbacks.

Apparently, Karan had woken up that morning to a worried (yet super hot, he noted) Sidharth holding up a newspaper with the words DREAM TEAM: THE UNSEEN (who even read newspapers anymore?) sprawled across the top. Turns out, the media had somehow gotten ahold of the team's various scandals, including the child labor charges and prison time.

Karan, who always had gossip channels on speed-dial to spread news, knew that it of course had to be someone out to get him and the team. (Probably that Shraddha. She was always pure evil, he thought. Or maybe it was that Anushka. He knew he should have done something about that one.)

Anywho, Karan had then taken the decision to cut the team's little American escapades short. Their last show would be in just a few days. And maybe it was for the best; after all, in New York, Badshah had climbed onto the stage and rapped nothing but "Badshah is a god" for six hours. It would have be fine, except the twenty audience members had all demanded their money back.

So Karan had the "brilliant" (his words, not mine) idea of performing some charity to clean up their image.

But when he presented the idea to the rest of the team members, he was met with blank stares (well, Katrina's everyday expression) and groans.

"Anyways," Kjo drawled. "I have assigned you all an area of focus." He pulled out his phone to read out his list.

"Alia, you'll be spreading awareness on the importance of education."

"What? Huh? What?" Everybody protested in confusion.

"Seriously?" Parineeti narrowed her eyes. "Her?"

Karan shrugged. "Why not? I mean she was in the Genius of the Year video." Parineeti's expression remained dubious, so he turned to an oblivious Alia, who was chewing bubblegum with a serious amount of concentration, and trying - but failing - to blow a bubble.

"Alia, who's the president of India?"

The loud chewing noises stopped at once. She blinked.

". . .not Prithviraj Chauhan?"

"Good! See?" Karan clapped enthusiastically for his daughter. The others still presented grim expressions upon their faces.

"Oh, that's nothing! I even know who the president of America is!" Alia said proudly. "It's Donald Duck!"

Everyone stared at her.

"Donald Trump, Alia. And he's not the president," Sidharth said calmly, but sent a glare across the room as Varun murmured Scholar Sidharth under his breath. (EDIT in 2023: big yikes)

He turned to the snickering little boy. "Alright. You tell me, who's the president of America?"

Varun crossed his arms, tall and proud. "George Washington, duh. Something about a cherry tree." Sidharth smacked his forehead.

"Moving on!" Karan bellowed. "Katrina, you'll go with Alia. Parineeti, you'll be representing good health. Sid and Varun, you two will be helping the less fortunate."

"Less fortunate?" Varun repeated incredulously. "You mean there are people poorer than Sidharth?"

The taller, awkward man glowered at him. "Shut up."

"It's okay, Tiger!" Katrina piped up, patting him sympathetically. "I can understand. I'm not from a filmy background either."

"It's Sidharth! Sidharth Malhotra!" he whined, pouting like a big baby.

Katrina shrugged. "Same thing."

Alia squealed excitedly. "I can wear my new jacket! It says 'A for Alia'. Get it, because A starts with Alia. Or maybe it's the other way around. Whatever. Thanks, Daddy!" She jumped up and down, clapping her hands with glee.

"Okay, I think that's everyone," Karan said, surveying the room.

Aditya (who even I forgot about) cried, "What about me?!"

"Like I said, that's everyone."

"Wait, a minute," Parineeti broke in suddenly. "Karan, what exactly will you being doing?"

The man in question huffed, adjusting the lapels of his designer jacket and sliding on a pair of kala chashma. "I'll be doing what I do best. Supervising."

. . .

the thing about anushka has to do with karan's statement where he said that before, he had tried to sabotage her.

therefore i would like to say: dear everybody who doesn't believe me when i say karan john tries to be sabotage people,

take that. ;)


EDIT in 2023: yes, this was written in 2016 when Obama was still president and no one could fathom the idea that Trump would win the election. I gotta say most of the other stuff in this book still applies today lol

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