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"Who the hell is Saeran Choi?!" You yelled from your spinning office chair in the corner of classroom, hands furiously thrown up in the air. You'd always been the best at computing in the entirety of your grade; how could someone from a class below you possibly have achieved a higher level?
"(Y/N), please, quiet down..." Mr Frederickson spoke agitatedly from the opposite end of the computer lab. This wasn't the first time you'd blown up like this.
Hearing his reply, you shuffled in your seat and answered back: an unforgivable sin in the horrid world of teaching, "But how can I possibly calm down?! This kid that I didn't even know existed has beat me in the assignment? How is that even possible?! If he's so good at this, then why isn't he here? Is the school system that stupid?"
Sighing, Mr Frederickson walked over to where you were perched upon the uncomfortable plastic seat. You were a good student, he knew that, you just had a bit of pride that wasn't exactly easily to handle. "Miss (L/N), I understand your confusion, but please refrain from interrupting the rest of your classmates. Saeran is simply a transfer student, nothing more. We simply underestimated his abilities."
You groaned and returned to the work you were in the middle of completing just a few minutes ago; attempting to talk back to a teacher once is bad enough, but twice? There wasn't a hope in hell you'd do that.


The sounding of bells echoed throughout the compacted room, signalling that it was finally time for recess. Students from everywhere in the room stood up from their seats and began to walk out the door, looks of relief plastering each and every one of their faces. You were still in the midst of packing up the rest of your equipment from the lesson; you'd be dead if you forgot your USB stick again. A sigh found its way out of your mouth as you rose from your seat and moved to the exit of the computer lab, anxious to get your regular slice of toast. Suddenly, you felt something cold touch your shoulder, preventing you from leaving the class. You froze in place and slowly turned to see the emotionless face of Mr Frederickson; he probably wanted to catch you before you left to educate you on manners, like he always did, though he hadn't done it in a while. Perhaps he'd simply given up and left you be; but if that was the case, why had he stopped you now? Did you overstep the mark?
"Miss (L/N)," he spoke calmly, his voice monotone and boring as usual.
"Y-yes sir?" You stuttered. What the hell brought that on? How were you nervous? This situation wasn't anything new, it'd happened a couple of times before, what made this one so special?
He looked to the sides nervously before handing you a pile of papers that had been stapled together. Observing the sheets you now had in your hands, you noticed they were marked with a familiar name.
"Saeran's application forms? Why on earth are you giving me these-"
"Finish reading them before you ask any questions," the tall man interrupted. That's strange; he was usually the one to call people out for interruptions, he was never the cause of them. Unnerved, you continued to read the first page. Nothing strange was on that one, so you flipped to the second one.
"Hey, sir, aren't the school application forms only one page long?"
No reply. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you looked back down to the pages in your hand. This page was in colour? Why would they be printed in different ways? Looking up to the top left corner, your eyebrows rose. Shocked to see the hospital's logo on the paper, you read on furiously. Nothing could have prepared you for what you saw there.

"Are you satisfied with the information you have about Saeran now, (Y/N)?" The older male asked, his face hiding a hint of worry.
"I... I..." you fell silent. If you'd known he was this way, you wouldn't have thrown all those insults at him before.
"I'll take that as a yes then. What you just saw was extremely classified information; not even all of the staff members know that Saeran even has any problems, let alone ones this serious. You can't tell anyone a thing, no matter what they say, alright?"
You nod at the long explanation your professor gave you, and finally found the courage to speak up, "but... why did you tell me of all people? Why did I need to know all of this? Don't tell me it's just because I was curious, or some stupid crap like that."
Mr Frederickson gazed into your eyes with the same boring look plastered on his face as usual, unamused by the comments you just made, "because we needed someone the same age to attempt to build a bond with him. Therapists have tried and failed to have a logical conversation with him; one even got hit by a Nintendo DS that was supplied to him. We thought it might be a better idea to let someone talk to him that doesn't seem like that much of a threat or an invasion of personal space."
Hearing this, you gulped. Injuries were the last thing you wanted for being a little bit curious. One more question was still unanswered however.
"But... why me? Why not Flynn, or Owen, or Amy?" You questioned. It was a valid question that you were pretty sure he hadn't answered yet.
"You seemed like the most responsible candidate. We asked around the student body if they knew anybody responsible that they thought could become a school council member. That was a lie of course, but the majority of students chose you."
A rush of adrenaline was sent through your body as you realised how good of a reputation you had in this school, increasing your confidence. If everyone else thought you could handle this, then surely you could.
"So, what will it be, miss (L/N)?"
"I'll do it. I don't care if he flips out at me or if I get hurt; at least I tried!"

You could have sworn a small smirk appeared on the man's face as you spoke those words.

The "Unknown" Student - Mystic Messenger (Saeran X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now