with twilight.......
twilight: (pants) spick we need to find rd
spick: twilight, we need to rest it's getting dark
twilight: your right(something shines)hey what's this
spick: its a plane
twilight: do you think rd found blur fur?
spick: i think so,do you know how to work planes?
twilight: no
with sondash...........
tails: sonic,just tell rd that you love her
sonic: i can't
tails: why?
sonic:because of amy
tails: just give up on amy
sonic: ok
rd: sonic?
sonic: rd!!!
rd: can we talk alone?
sonic:um sure?why?
rd: i have something to tell you
sonic: umm me too
sonic and rd: i like you!
sonic: you do???
rd: yes i do more than ever
sonic:(kiss rd)
????: i will kill you rd