A Tale of Titanic

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What would have it been like if it weren't for those waves ? Or that huge block of frozen water which hit us so hard that we had no option left but to completely or incompletely drown. That impatience in your eyes to find me as soon as you could when you heard the crowd going haywire at the news of the disaster coming ahead. That relief on your face when you saw me feeding the fishes, unharmed. Surprisingly, along with the tension about the situation I could feel little pieces in myself getting excited , pleased, at the thought of you caring too much for me. The way you cleared way for us to move safely in between the chaos while holding my hand tight the entire time, as if we were in a battleground and I were your only child and you would fight the whole army in front of you without even a sword like a mother who would kill anyone to save her child, the precious piece of her heart,
but not lose hold of my hand. Yes, you made me feel like a child. Your child. Your only child.
The one for whom you could fight battles, cross oceans, build ships and kingdoms. Only that day you were struggling to fight the nature. The gigantic water waves and the soon-to-come block of ice ahead of us.
For me. Only for me.

You were not selfish. Just senseless. Senseless due to the fluttering feeling that you said I had given you by the composure I showed when the cold yet dangerous breezes blew past me.

You were careful yet careless. Careful enough to think of all possible ways to let me see the sunrise of the following day.
Careless enough to not even consider that there was absolutely no sunrise in the world I wanted to see more than the enlightenment of your eyes as first thing in the morning.
I was cold. So were you.
Signs of fading away were getting reflected by your pale, yet then blue body. Still you chose to let my fragile body have the advantage ,rather fortune of having you by my side. You chose to give away anything that might be of help to you , to help me.

To cover me. To defend me.
To love me.

But I believe you forgot that no amount of shelter, coverings or protection would suffice for the warmth of your arms while enveloping me.

You forgot that the sacrifice you were making was not only going to leave me speechless but solitary. Solitary with these memories you were making for me to have your reminiscence for the life I was going to have, because of you,
without you.

The words coming out of your frozen mouth were not even audible, but
The spirit in your eyes spoke through your freezing struggles,
"You will survive, love ! For me you will survive."

And I did.
For you.Because of you.
For the love that you had for me and for the love that I will forever cherish for you.
For the sacrifice that you made for my survival.

I survived.
But you did not.
For me. Because of me.

And yet despite all this I wonder if it weren't for that iceberg, would you still have fought past the mighty waves of that freezing water in order to take away that shivering in my body due to the cold water and the thought of losing you with it. Would I have known of your insanity in love in any other way?
I believe not.
For by no other way I would have ,nor the world would have known the significance of sacrifice in love.
The sacrifice you made for love.
The love which turned out to be eternal.
The eternity which makes me closer to you every single day.
This closeness which is forever going to remain between me and you.
This Forever of you and me.
And yet I wonder what would it have been if it weren't for those waves?


With hope that I managed to keep your excited minds engaged.

With Love

P.S.- A Vote never fail to bring a smile to the writer. :)

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