They hate each other.
Damn. Unfortunately, they fall in love.
"Hey bitch. What are you doing here? Perhaps, are you stalking on me? Wait, did you already fall in love with me or what, huh? " He grinned.
"Na-ahh, hell no. Haha, are you fucking k...
Happy birthday Kim Hanbin a.k.a B.I. I love you, we, iKONICS love you, a lot.
This talented kid deserves a lot. If it's not because of him, I'll never know what iKON is.
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This kid was the one who work hard carrying the burden of six other people live just to catch their dream.
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Hanbin-oppa, thank you for being born.
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This cute little kid have become a great man. A good leader.
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Even when he is sick or injured, he never want his fan to worry about him. I look up to him a lot.
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Your hard work made me badly want to feel how the stage was, but I can't do that tho, hahahhaha.
I love you oppa, but not as much as I love that hoe, kidding. But, still I love you. Thank you for not giving up. Everytime I think about how hard it was for you to catch your dream it made me realize that I've to work hard to get it. Thank you for being alive. Thank you for bringing them, iKON member-deul to this world. You gave us, iKONICS a lot. It's hard to ever repay that. But, I will keep on supporting you guys. No matter what.
( sorry it doesn't look like you, and you might not even see this. hahahahah, sorry I didn't have anything to give to you, I'm not rich yet. )
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( I didn't manage to make it look like Hanbin, guys sorry. It's a mess lol, it's a real prove that I don't know how to draw lol. Sorry Hanbin-oppa, I ruined your perfect face. It doesn't even look like you. Sorry 💕💕💕. )
Let's take it slow. Let's stay together until the end.