shit 1.0

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(a/n : June do know how to make me pregnant guys~ His new hair suit him well, it's so freaking slayyyy!!)

Jin Hye's POV.

" Jin Hye-ah, you better coax him later or not... I'll tell that Jin momma what both of you... did just now. " He smirked.

" Eung? What did we di-"


" Damn, oppa did you saw us just now? Like seriously? With your own eyes? " I asked him all the questions at once.

" Hmm. You're lucky that I'm the one who saw it, if it's your Jinie who saw that you're sure a dead meat. Next time be careful, okay? " He said while ruffling my hair.

I look at him weirdly when out of nowhere he started to spread his hand widely.

" What? "

" Just... come here. Give me a hug. " He said with smile plastered on his face.

" Oppa, you're starting to get weird. Are you sure you're in your right mind? " I speak with my eyebrows knitted together.

" Come here... "

He walked to me and hug me tightly and sighed.

" Why? What's wrong? Don't make me feel anxious, please. " I said while patting his back.

" Just... I'm proud of you uri aegi. Hahhaha, I never thought you'll ever open your heart to date someone. "

" That's all? Seriously oppa you made me worried sick. Aigoo~ I thought it was something serious. " I said.

" Is June okay with you? Did he do something bad at you? I swear I will kill him right away if he did. " He cooed and let out a cute chuckled.

As he want to pull away from the hug I stop and hug him again.

"Don't ask why. I just missed to be in your embrace and the feel as if someone was there for you. Ahahha, love you Jinani. " I speak and slowly pull away from the hug.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

I just let him be. I love him so much.

" Hm btw, nice tattoo you got there aegi-yah. Hot and sexy, he do know how to do it right, eh? Hhahahahha. " He said with smirked plastered on his face.

I stand there dumbfounded, and when I realize what he's just mean I quickly cover my neck.

" U-uhmm, I'll go upstairs first, okay? I'm sleepy already. Night oppa. Sweet dream, love you. " I pecked his cheek and quickly run to my room with my other hand covering my face, tomato.

Damnit, that's so fucking embarrassing, I swear. You're dead Goo Junhoe.

Huh, just forget it. It happened already.

Ahh~ what a long day.

When I step in my bedroom, I was shocked to find an unexpected figure on my bed.

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