Cut a frown And Stich a grin

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"Fionna..." Marshall said into the microphone, "...I loved her." a single tear rolled down his pale cheek, he flashed a fake smile and with a shaky hand he quickly wiped the tear away. "She was one of the most amazing person to ever walk through the land of Aaa." He placed his hand on the dark wood of her casket. "She fought bravely. She died to save us all from-" he paused for a brief moment. "The Lich." he spat out the name like poison.

"May she rest in piece with the other hundreds who died fighting for us."

Tears ran down his cheeks like rivers as he threw a red and white rose onto her casket. It was lowered into the ground as people threw flowers on top of her wooden tomb.

"Oakly" I said feeling sick with grief, "I want to leave."

He looked down at me curled against him with tears in his brown eyes."Yeah, Me too."

We rose from our chairs together and began walking towards the forest. I looked back at the hill where people were paying their respects. I saw Marshall standing away from the crowd with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed facing the ground, "Fionna..." he whispered.

"Oh Marshall..." I whispered to my self, turning back around.


I removed my vest and dress keeping my eyes away from the mirror. I've always hated mirrors and reflections. I hung up the black satin dress in my closet smoothing down the creases and folds.

I pull on my usual jeans and slip my vest back on. I look into the mirror and brush through my hair a few times before marching out into the hallway.

"OAKLY," I yelled, "WHERE ARE YOU? I'M HUNGRY!!" I smile as I watch him trip out of his bedroom and adjust his beanie.

"Stupid royal clothes..." he murmured brushing his leafy hair to the side.

"So what should-" I get cut off by a knock at the door. My smile fades as it always does when other people are around.

Oakly frowns seeing my joy flee, he walks over to the dark wooded door and opens it. I duck into the hallway and peek around the corner. I want to see but not be seen.

"Marshall? Uh hi? what do you need?" Oakly stammers, Marshall hardly comes around, he got in trouble a few years back for lighting part of the forest kingdoms on fire. Oakly's parents (rulers of the forest kingdom) weren't very fond of Marshall. Luckily, Oakly's parents were away on business.

"Um I is Skyla here?" Marshall asked peering around Oakly's shoulders.

Oakly moved to block his view. "She might be here." he said curtly, "let me check." he turned his head and yelled my name.

I took a deep breath and brought my hair to the front of my body. I turned the corner, sheathing my sword into the back of my belt. Heart pounding as I walk towards the front door, I gently nudge Oakly out of the way and whisper "it's fine, I'll be careful."

"I love you sis." he whispered as I shut the door.

Cut a Frown And Stitch a GrinWhere stories live. Discover now