Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The door slid open and, in the corner if my eye I could see Katniss walking towards the table. I carried on my conversation with Hay Mitch.

"No, you'd freeze to death first." Hay Mitch said.

"Because I didn't light a fire, right?"

"Well, that's a good way to get killed."

"What's a good way to get killed?" a voice behind us said.

We both turned around to discover Katniss was the one who asked the question.

"Oh, look who finally decided to show up!" Hay Mitch replied.

She sat down at the end off the table.

"We were just talking about how to find shelter." I add.

"How do you find shelter?" she asked.

"Give me a minute to wake up sweetheart. This mentoring is very taxing stuff!"

"How do you find shelter?" she said more fiercly.

"Pass me the jam will you?"

His hand reached out to grab the pot when a knife stabbed the table just missing Hay Mitch's fingers.

"That is Mahogany!!!" Effie cried from behind.

Hay Mitch pulled the knife from the table then said, "You want to know how to stay alive?"

There was a pause.

"Get people to like you! Oh! Wasn't the answer you was looking for?"

Katniss was looking very confused.

"Well, if your freezing or are injured, some matches or medicine may mean the differnce between life and death! And at the stage your going, your not doing very well!"

To stop the awkward conversation, I stood up and walked towards the window.

"There it is!" I announced.

Outside the capitol came into veiw. It was amazing! I didn't even need to say anything as my facial expressions said it all. A wall blocked my veiw and I was suddenly deafend by shouts and screams from outside. Thousands of people greeted me with waves and smiles. I smiled back then started waving aswell.

"Come on, come on!" I guided Katniss towards the window but she doesn't budge.

"You better keep this knife," Hay Mitch says to her, "He knows what hes doing!"

In the corner of my eye I saw him pass her the knife. I carried on waving, ignoring the conversation behind me.

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