Winter Break

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I stared out the window of the Hogwarts express as it took me to Kings Crossing. Winter break started today and I wasn't thrilled. Instead of spending the break with my parents, I would be spending it with whatever agent was free each day. I saw the station grow bigger and bigger as the train neared it. I walked down the hallway passing  excited children happy to see their parents.

I didn't have any luggage. Only my cat Yet-To-Be-Named who was curled in my arms. All the clothes I needed were in my room at S.H.I.E.L.D HQ. I walked out of the train and throughout the barrier to the muggle world.
I looked around and saw a young man who had an earpiece, was dressed in "causal" clothes that were anything but and surveying the crowd suspiciously. I walked up to him.

"Hello I am assuming you are here to take me to HQ."
I said bluntly.

He nodded and led the way to the S.H.I.E.L.D car without saying a word. I opened the car door and climbed in. Yet-To-Be-Named curled onto my lap, earning a look of disapproval from my escort.

The escort silently handed me me a file. Apon opening it I found a list of instructions with my name at the top.

To be given to the youngest Agent Barton apon her arrival.

Daily scedual
6:00am-12:30 Physical training with assigned agent

12:30-1:15 Lunch

1:15-6:30 Mental training

6:30-7:15 Dinner

7:15-8:30 Free period in room

8:30 Lights out

All meals must follow the rules of the dietary plan attached. The agent assigned to teach you may give you assignments. You are apart of this organization, act like it.
Director Fury

I groaned and put the letter back in the file. Why couldn't I just see my parents?

When the jet we had driven to landed in the parking lot of HQ, I jumped out with the file in my left hand and my cat in my right. I  professionally walked into the building and took an elevator to the 6th floor where  the rooms were located. I got some stares on the way from New agents, but most people knew me or enough not to ask.

It was 8:00 so according to my scedual I had lights out in thirty minutes. I walked into my room and turned in the lights. It was just how I left it. Clothes hung in my closet. An old towel hung on the side of my landry basket half way filled with clothes.

"Welcome home." I said as I let my cat onto the floor of the room. I opened my closet and changed into my PJs. I set my alarm for 5:30 and climbed into bed and Yet-To-Be-Named curled onto my pillow next to my head. Then I clapped off the lights.

The next morning I showed up to training five minutes late. The Agent who was free that day was obviously new. Probably graduated from S.H.I.E.L.D Academy a few months ago. The agent most likely thought this was below him.

"You are late."
The instructor snapped. I just nodded. The instructor sighed and shook his head. He was around 28 and average hight.

"I was going to give you an easier training set today but now that isn't going to happen."
He chastised.

"Good.  I don't want anyone to go easy on me."
I sassed.

I struggled through the whole training session. I was out of shape. So much more than I thought. But I wasn't going to let this sorry replacement know that. I made bratty comments under my breath and rolled my eyes. By lunch I knew he was done with me. I must have scared him off because the next day I had a different instructor. She took a different approach but I wasn't having it.

By the end of the week I had had seven different instructors. All quit at the end of the day. On the first day of the second week after dinner there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called from my bed and put my book down. Maria Hill, Fury's right hand women walked in. I knew Maria almost as well as Coulson. She was like a second mother to me. Just like Coulson was my second father. But ever since I went to Hogwarts I hardly got to see them.

"Welcome back Kendra."
Maria said.

"I have been here for a week."
I pointed out. Maria nodded.

"Yes. You have been here a week and a day and have just scared off your eighth tutor."

"They all had it coming."
I grumbled.

"Kendra this isn't you. What is this really about?"
Maria asked. I liked Maria I really did, but she wasn't normally this empathetic. But she does have her stages.

"I want to know why my parents cannot train me."
I blurted

Marie looked shocked. "They had to go on an urgent mission."

"What does that even mean? Why won't anyone tell me? I went to boarding school and now I only get to see them during breaks. They never write and it isn't like I saw them much before. Now they are missing the only time I will get to see them until the end of the year and no one will tell me why."
I yelled. I clapped a hand over my mouth as soon as the words left my lips. I sounded like a whining child. Maria gave me a sympathetic look.

"Something big is going to happen soon. S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't have all the details yet. But we need all hands on deck and that includes your parents. We may need you soon. But don't give your parents a hard time. They would be here if they could. But don't take it out on your instructors if you are mad you don't have a normal life."

"All the instructors are stuck up newbies."
I stated.

"Well it is a good thing I will be training you until the end of the break."
Then she left before I could hug her.
Hey everyone, I hope that you didn't have to wait to long for the update. I had a really good time writing this chapter and felt like I refound Kendra's personality.

Forever and always,


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