Venus and Eve are starting as freshmen in the supernatural academy called Lexington Academy. But are kept away from each other, because of their history that ties them together. Making new friends that bring them close together, but will they find o...
"Damn... maybe I should move to show that I'm not into her like that. Damn she's so beautiful." Dakota thought to himself as the white haired girl laid his shoulder. Looking out the window of the train, it was only 9 pm and the train would take all night just to get to the gates of Lexington. Dakota thought maybe he should try to get some sleep as well, but didn't want to miss Eve wake up. He didn't want her to get off the train at the wrong station. Dakota didn't really know why he was allowing Eve to rest her head on his shoulder, he guessed it was just that he was too tired to argue with anyone. As the train kept moving along the tracks, Dakota could feel himself nodding off and around 10 pm he did so. Eve awoke at 10:30 pm and saw that she had a heavy weight on top of her head, it was Dakota. Eve covered herself to where Dakota had his head propped against the window.
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Since Eve was awake and not willing to fall asleep again, especially on a guy she just met shoulder. Eve decides to wander around the train, "what harm could it do?" Eve thought to herself. Eve opened the train rooms door and tipped toed quietly outside, into the dimly lighted hallway. Since most of the passengers were asleep the train would run off of how many people were asleep and weren't, since some weren't the lights weren't completely off yet. Eve tipped toed down the hallway leading left. She would pass rooms that were very bright and loud and then pass some rooms that were pitch black and were as quiet as a mouse. Eve found it strange that she had fallen asleep on Dakota, mostly because she doesn't really get that comfortable with anyone. Dakota must of had some weird cures of magic, Eve was very sure of it because Eve nevers gets that close to anyone.
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"Dakota you can't escape me forever, I miss my little boy." The hands said reaching out for him. Dakota ran from the hands, in the opposite direction. The voice grew louder and louder, as if it was getting close enough to grab him. But looking behind himself, no one was there. Just a huge, bright white room, that filled the space. Running endlessly in circles, not knowing where he had already went.
(BANG!!!!!!! The crack of thunder and rain.)
Dakota jumped up, not knowing where he was for a minute. Seeing where he was, Dakota saw that something was missing. It was the girl, Eve. He ran to the door and swung it open and started running down the opposite hallway. Where was she? Why would I have let her slip away? Why did I fall asleep?! Dakota questioned himself.