Venus and Eve are starting as freshmen in the supernatural academy called Lexington Academy. But are kept away from each other, because of their history that ties them together. Making new friends that bring them close together, but will they find o...
Eve walked around the small, tiny shack she'd lived in for almost her whole life. Just rushing around, trying to wrap her head around things. She was leaving today, her home, for the first time, in forever. Eve had lived in this little shack with her two mothers, Drake and Gigi. They had been a little family every since Drake found Eve in a abandoned drainage pipe on one rainy day. Eve had a younger brother as well, but he had went of to his know boarding school just a few months ago. Eve's little brother, Jack was 11 years old now and was Eve's pride and joy. She had protected him for so long and now that he's going to be protected even more, made Eve not worry about him. See Jack was one of those children that could make friends with anyone around him, he was just one of those kinds of people. It had been harder for Eve to make friends, mostly because she had been homeschooled longer than Jack had. Eve didn't have any social skills. "Are you ready sweetheart?" Gigi said knocking on Eve's door. Gigi entered the room very excitedly, "I'm so proud, my little girls growing up!" Gigi said, pulling Eve into a bear hug. "Don't strangle her before she leaves." Drake said entering the room also. "Aww! Drake, our babies growing up!" Gigi said, tearing up a little. Drake smirked, "Don't worry about her and come here." Eve was still in shock over Gigi balling her eyes out in front of her. "It's okay mom, I'm going to be fine on my known." Eve managed to say. Drake smiled "I know you are, I'm not worried at all." Gigi started sobbing even louder, "ON YOUR KNOWN!"
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Eve got into a train station, where she was suppose to meet her tour guide, Dakota. Eve didn't know what this boy looked like. It was all a mystery to her, maybe he would be very ugly and fat or maybe for once in her life she would meet a handsome boy. Eve had two bags with her, as she was sitting on one of them as she waited for this so called Dakota. It probably took 10-15 minutes for her to realize there was a huge sign that said her full name on it, plus a arrow pointing down to a smiling boy. All Eve could do was turn bright red at the sight of what this guy was doing. He clearly didn't know what she looked like, because he was asking curiously all around to girls that didn't resemble her at all. Eve thought to herself, "Maybe if he doesn't know I'm here then maybe I can sneak around him and go on the train on my known." Eve thought her plan was brilliant. She did though stand out a lot mostly because she had white as snow hair and skin, baby blue eyes that you would never forget once you glanced into them. Eve had to think, maybe if she stole the hat that was left on the stool next to her, then she could blend into the crowed. Eve grabbed the basic white and blue hat and ran into the crowd with her huge luggage. The only reason why Eve wanted to ditch him was that he was so embracing, Eve didn't need a tour guide she could handle it on her known. Just before she could get even 2 inches away from the doors leading to the train lobby, she felt her body be picked up from the waist. Looking down it was Dakota, a light brown haired, tan, light blue and green eyed boy. "There you are!" Dakota said throwing Eve over his shoulder and walking onto the train with her and her stuff. Eve was shocked, first of all she had never made any contact with another supernatural being before. Eve's brother was a elf just like her but wasn't mixed of the sorts. Meaning Eve's power was much more greater than her brothers will ever be. Her type of elf was mixed with vampire blood, what some call "Eventual Shining."
They got to their room on the train and Dakota put Eve down in the seat and buckled her up in the seat next to him. Eve was so done at this point, like what was he doing picking her up out of the crowd and buckling her up like she was 8. This guy was so strange and definitely weird, for a good looking guys he was pretty strange to her. Dakota put Eve's things on the top shelf, next to some other luggage. "I hope you don't mind that I put your stuff next to mine." Dakota said. Eve thought for a second, if he's a student here then maybe I can ask him about the old legages at Lexington Academy and see if there true. "It's fine, thanks for doing that for me." Eve said smiling. Maybe if she kept him as a close friend, then maybe she could asked Dakota about these stories. Maybe....