Chapter IV

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Hey Guys! I've decided to update once a month. Yes, not without a deadline, but once per month, with at least 1,000 words! I hope that I can make improvement in my writing by doing so, so please comment your thoughts and point out my mistakes as I'm still an amateur writer. Anyways, here's the story.

A hawk soared over the forest, looking for a mansion. It had golden hair, with the blue eye on the left and a green eye on the right. Yes, the traveler shape shifted into the predator bird in hopes of finding the twins' mansion from the skies. By doing so, he left his luggage back in the village, including his clothes and money. But it didn't matter to him, as his only goal is to reunite with them.

But he found nothing after two hours of flying, despise having telepathic communication with other birds above the forest. Frustrated, he was going to land, losing hope. Suddenly, a crow resting  on a branch reported to him.

"Sir, there is a building of humans in my line of sight."

The traveler, upon hearing this, connected with the crow's mind, accessing it's thoughts and senses. It is true that there was a villa located in front of the crow. After that, he demanded the location, which the crow can't truly determine. However, the wanderer still has a few tricks up his sleeve. He commanded all birds to fly up, especially the crow to soar high, being a landmark. Then, he ordered them to gather around the crow.

A fascinating sight could be seen from Lyndhurst. A giant flock of birds, ignoring the species gap, gathered under a black bird high above in the sky. This beautiful sight was not seen by much, as people don't usually paid heed to the sky, concentrated on their devices. The wayfarer flew to the heap of fowls, dispersing them at the same time. Soaring above, he found the dwelling he was searching for. With joy, he dove towards it, stopping at just the right moment.

Prepared to turn back into a human, he realized a crucial problem.

He's stark naked!

There was no-one else to blame but him. It was his fault that he didn't plan out towards meeting them. Sighing, he flew upwards, finding landmarks such as the miniature waterfall or the large trees. Next, he ordered some eagles to stay nearby. After all that work, he flew back towards the village, ashamed of his stupidity. 

He wore his garments in a secretive place, an alley in the forest that lacks passengers. He didn't put his shirt and his cloak, but instead tied them on his waist. It would just get in his way when he was flying. 

From his back grew three pairs of humongous, feathery wings that shone of heavenly flames, the tone being a glowing orange and yellow. If one unclean soul touches the wings, their soul would be immediately burned without a single trace of the soul left. However, if one has the heart and will to repent and wash away his sins, the sacred flame will cleanse the soul, kindling the impure parts, leaving the pure part unharmed, making one to be forever grateful to Lord. 

The traveler took flight, using the saintly flares to boost his flight speed. With the information on the precise location of the villa, he  soon arrived the designated destination. As he asked the eagles to leave, he retracted the angel wings while dressing himself. Finally with some decent clothes on, he waited for the twins arrival. 

A growl of a lion came not afar, followed by a monstrous bleating made by a goat. The man grinned, talking to himself, "a Chimera, aye? If that's so, let's have a showdown... Between monsters." Reptilian scales appeared on his face with his eyes turning shade into those of a dragon's. His angelic wings formed too, holy fire still surrounding it while he took off his clothings, thinking, this process of getting my clothing out of the way is quite tiresome by now...

The twins, ignoring the stares from others, dined at an Italian restaurant.

"Somehow, I still don't get why humans stare at us," Knight stated as he took a bite out of his pizza, "but this pizza is delicious. I've gotta thank the staff later."
"I agree." Phoenix nodded her head, "to answer your question, it may be due to our appearance. I'm sure if we let loose, we'd be seen as criminals and serial killers instead of celebrities."

Knight patted her back, "don't take my question so seriously." He laughed.

As soon as they received their bill, Knight insisted paying for the dinner. However, the female cashier was frozen, not until Knight waved his hand in front of her face. She looked at the bill and stuttered, "th-that would be e-eleven dollars and ninety-nine cents, thank you." When Knight paid, he winked. "The pizza was delicious. Tell the staff that we loved it." He turned, leaving five dollars in the tip jar, ignoring the cashier's awe-stricken expression.

"Let's go, Phoenix." They went out the door, ringing the bell.

"You know that I could have paid," grumbled Phoenix, "just because I am younger that does not mean that I am not capable. How do you expect her to work now?"

"I shall hold no responsibility for my charms," he announced in a careless tune.

His playful attitude broke off in a sudden, it was then Phoenix received a call from their ghost butler Webster. "What is it?" Phoenix calmly took the call. "There are reported sightings of a large snake, maybe a Basilisk offspring in the River Thames. Luckily, it hasn't approached the London Eye but it's seemingly heading towards that direction. It has caused five casualties by now. More casualties, or maybe even deaths, maybe caused in the future."

"Got it," Phoenix eyed Knight as he placed on his mask. You can't just go around fighting monsters without hiding your identity, or else you're getting into trouble. In a grave tone, he spoke, "Zombie stench."

Phoenix bit her lower lip. A vampire tide emerging out of nowhere and increased monster activity from different places, although they fought monsters and act as bounty hunters as a living, this all seemed too strange. But now the immediate problem is to solve the dire situation, being the zombies and the possible Basilisk offspring.

"I'll take on the zombies," Phoenix said as she placed on her crow-shaped mask. Knight nodded as he started to run towards the reported sighting place of the assumed Basilisk offspring, the West side of Thames and Phoenix headed off to the road where the zombies took action.

So tell me in the comments what do you think, how can I improve and who do you want the spotlight of the next chapter to be on. See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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