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hey everyone, this is 1/3 of this co-writing group my names is shaun (shaunmasontik on wattpad), giving you chapter 1 of Final Burst, i've been out of the writing game  for a while but hope its good! there will be a pic posted of Boomer to the right soon, hope you enjoy! please leave feed back!

Imagine a world far into the future. A world where machines and science have made leaps and bounds. Then you might have a small Idea of Odessa. Now if you can, imagine a city to end all cities. Beyond grand in scale, booming with people, and ahead of even its time in technology. Now give it the name Blastonia, with her skyscrapers, grand stadiums, and her history she is easily the most famous city in Odessa; and where our story takes place.


Driving his favorite red mustang Brian "Boomer" Sapphire grinned to himself as he came upon Blastonia, he gazed at her high walls and even higher building, "Finally, about time I got here" Boomer drove into her gates and began taking in the sights, "Wouldn't think a pretty place like this would hold a fighter's tournament," he thought.

He checked his phone once again for the address to the Gem Hotel, where competitors would wanted to register would stay during the event. With that, he quickly found it. Boomer pulled up to the valet, stepping out showing off his tailored to fit white button up, and his designer jeans, and more than costly boots. Flipping his red spiky hair as he tossed his keys to the valet, "Scratch it and it's your ass man." Boomer was 16 years in age but was gifted with knowledge and well, and he knew it.

He grabbed in duffle bag out of the back seat and walked into the Gem. He came up to the counter, two big signs told him that this was definitely the right place saying; "Guest Left" and "Fighter's Right". He smirked and glided his way to the right. Pulling his sun glasses off he spoke to the middle aged man with the Mel name tag, "Hey I'd like to sign up, name's Brian Sapphire," he smiled again, "And don't forget that name."

"Of course sir," The man scribbled down his information, then stopped for a moment and flashed his eyes back to Boomer, "Are you THE Brian Sapphire?" 

Boomer smiled a little wider, "You guessed it," He quickly snatched his room card key and turned, waving victoriously. 

"Who's that?" The other clerk said to Mel.

Mel looked at her almost stunned, "That's Brain Boomer Sapphire, he recently took his father's weapon's upgrade company." 

"Are you serious?," the clerk responded, then she watched Boomer get into the elevator, he gave her a wink as the doors closed, "I'd thought he'd be taller to be honest."

Boomer reached his room and immediately pulled out his phone, first he texted his friend Vincent, who was also on his way to the Gem, but Vincent had a bad habit of never answering his phone. Boomer reviewed his text, "Gem Hotel, room 317, hurry up!" He smiled, sent the message and began dialing.

 He was calling his friend Tallis, who was like a big brother when they were kids, "This guy should already be here," he said to himself as he put the phone to his ear. After a few rings he heard the other line pick up, and before he could hear a hello Boomer burst into conversation. "About time man! Just listen I made it to the Gem, 3rd floor, room 317, just make sure you stop by." Boomer hung up quickly and then sat at a chair near the window. Taking his spiked, red, fighter's gloves out of his bag, staring off into the city and spoke to it, "I'm going to win, And don't forget it"


Sitting on a short wall, just a few blocks from the Gem Tallis shook his head and smiled putting his phone away into his worn jeans, "Always in a rush huh Boom," he hopped down putting on his favorite hat, hardly covering his long silver hair, "To the Gem it is, " He said to himself again, picking up his travel bag and tossing his buster sword Victoria onto his back and began making his way  through a bustling market on his way.

Tallis walked taking in all the sights, he had done his fair share of traveling in his twenty years but never had he been to Blastonia and he was beginning to see why so many people came here, it was amazing. But during his little gazing he didn't notice a young woman in the middle of the street and without warning he bumped into her almost knocking her onto the ground, "Oh! Sorry miss are you ok?"

The girl was short, no more than 5'4" and compared to his height of 5'11 it was probably the main reason Tallis didn't see her. She shook her very long black hair, out of her pale face revealing her very brown eyes, "Hey it's okay I was just spacing out." She gave a polite smile and extended her hand, "Hey stranger, names Kotomi Moroni, Kittykat to my friends." 

Tallis accepted he handshake invitation and smiled, "Tallis Kitz, " He then noticed her other hand resting on a blade, was this girls was planning to enter the tournement? She looked so young, maybe no more than Boomer's age. But she answered his question before he could even ask.

"Well hey Tallis," she put a finger to her lips, "So do you know where the Gem Hotel is?" 

Tallis gave a little smile wanting to object to her desire to enter, but Boomer was doing the same so he really couldn't say much, "I'm actually going there myself, I can walk you there."

"No way, Thanks Tallis!" She picked up a bag next to her and they walked together, making idle chit chat along the way. Then after both of them registered and made their way into the elevator there was a bit of a silence. "Hey Tallis, what room did you get?" Kotomi asked making conversation.

"322 But i'm going to visit a friend of mine before anything, he is entering as well." Tallis said warmly, "And you?"

"408," She smiled, "That's good," just then the elevator to Tallis floor opened and he stepped out.

"Guess from here on out we are competitors against each other miss Kotomi" Tallis said, the realness hit him for a moment, would he have to fight this girl?

But then just before the doors closed she gave him a smile, "Guess we are, don't worry, I'll go easy on ya!" she said with a wink as the doors closed. Tallis smiled and walked to where he knew Boomer was staying and knocked.


There was a knock and Boomer popped up from attempting a short nap. He made his way to the door and low and behold it was Tallis, "ABOUT TIME!" Boomer screamed and gave his friend a hug, "Come  in, come in" He said ushering his friend in.

Tallis sat down at the table by the window and smiled, "How long has it been Boom? two years?" 

Boomer began going through his bag and without looking at Tallis answer, "Two years, four months and 14 days, give or take a weekend." Boomer then found what he was looking for, "Aha!" he pull out a device that looked somewhat like a little box, "Here Tallis, made you something for Victoria." He tossed Tallis the box, "It's a rocket boost, it'll kick up that rev you like to use so much." Boomer smiled victoriously, "no charge of course."

Tallis smiled at him, "You do to much kiddo," Tallis stood and walked over and put a hand on Boomers shoulder, "You sure you want to do this Boom? I'm behind you 100% just make sure it's what you want." Boomer knocked his hand away with confidence.

"Hey, I'm going to win, and that's it" Boomer walked his way to the window, "I'm going to be the strongest!" 

Then there was a knock at the door, "Who is it?" There was no answer. Boomer looked to Tallis who shrugged. Boomer then slowly made his way to the door. Then came another knock, a little louder this time.

Boomer quickly thew on his gloves and looked to Tallis who already had a hand on Victorira's rev ready for anything. Boomer decided to ignore the peep whole and go straight for opening the door, he flung it open with a force and yelled, "LOOK ASS-" He paused and gazed mouth practically hanging open.

In front of him was a guy about his age, a little shorter too maybe 5'7" where as Boomer stood 5'8". The guy had brown eyes, and was pretty tan, wearing a black shirt, dark pants and hand matching swords on each hip, "Is that anyway to speak to an old friend Boom?" Boomer simply smiled and went for a hug.

Tallis spoke up, "Well good to see you too Vincent."

So thoughts?

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