Chapter 7

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Dan’s P.O.V

Chris took my hand and led me to his room. We layed back on the bed, cuddling for a few minutes in silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, just a normal silence that we both enjoyed. It felt like we were hugging forever.

I heard him sniffle slightly. “Hey…what’s wrong?” I stroked through his hair in an attempt to comfort him, my voice barely a whisper.

“I-I just can’t believe my own parents would just walk out on me…I thought they would have been more supportive than that…” He sniffled again.

It killed me to see him like this, how could they do that to their own son? They were supposed to love him. I wrapped my arms tighter around him as he buried his face further into my chest. “It’s ok, I’m sure they will come around sooner or later and realise that this isn’t a bad thing…Please don’t cry babe…otherwise I’ll start crying and then PJ will wonder what the hell’s going on”

I heard him chuckle slightly. He sat up and looked back at me “Uh…Sorry….”

“For what?” Why is he sorry?

“I kind of soaked your shirt…” He blushed.

I looked down and there was a wet patch where he had been crying. “It’s ok, I have other shirts you know” I smiled at him and sat up so I was facing him.

I cupped his face and wiped the tears off of his cheeks. He was too perfect to be crying, although, seeing his sensitive side did make him look even more adorable. I leant in a pecked him on the nose causing him to giggle like a teenage girl. I laughed at his reaction.

“Well, it’s getting late so I should probably go home”

His smile faded slightly as I stood up and walked to his bedroom door. “Dan?”

I spun around and looked at him. “Yeah?”

“Do you um think you could stay here tonight?” He looked at me hopefully.

I smiled at his nervousness. I dunno why he was so nervous around me all of a sudden, it’s not like he had only just met me.

“Yeah of course. I better tell Phil that I’m staying here though so he doesn’t have a bitch fit about me staying out all night”

He chuckled slightly at my comment and handed me my phone that was on his bed. I quickly texted Phil telling him I wasn’t going to be home until tomorrow and tucked it into my pocket.

We stayed up for a couple more hours before deciding to climb into bed. I pulled him close to me, making sure he was comfortable, before he leant up and kissed me on the lips.

“Night Dan”

“Night Chris”

I woke up the next morning to see Chris still asleep with a smile on his lips. I grinned down at him before carefully sliding out of bed trying not to wake him.

Walking into the living room, I checked the time on my phone. 9:00 am. Not too bad I guess. Just as I was making a cup of tea, a thought popped into my head.

Grabbing my phone, I walked over to the phone book and searched for Chris’s parent’s number. I dialled it and heard it ring twice before a woman picked up.


“Mrs. Kendall? Yeah, hi it’s Dan”

“Oh…Now isn’t a good time…could you call back later?” Wow…bad liar.

“I don’t mean to sound rude, but we both know that’s a lie. Just please, hear me out?”

There was silence for a minute before she spoke again “Ok…what is it?” Her tone flat.

“It’s about Chris…He’s been so upset since you left yesterday, he doesn’t know why you would just walk out on him like that and I was wondering the same, so I need to know…”

“Oh…We had no idea…we were just in shock that’s all. We didn’t expect Chris to be…”

“Gay?” I finished her sentence for her kind of irritated.

“Yes….oh dear, we will be round in a bit to talk to him” She hung up the phone and I went and sat on the sofa to drink my cup of tea.

20 minutes later PJ wandered into the living room. “Chris not up yet?”

“No, he should be in a minute though” right on queue Chris walked into the living room.

“Hey babe. PJ” He said through a yawn. He came over and planted a kiss on my lips.

“Great…PDA……” PJ joked. Me and Chris chuckled at his comment.

“It’s not PDA if it’s in our own home!” Chris protested still laughing.

“Whatever, anyway, what are you guys—“ PJ was cut off by someone knocking on the door. Here we go…

Chris got up to answer the door with me following closely behind him.

Chris P.O.V

Who the fuck could be knocking at this time in the morning? I bet it’s Phil…

I unlocked the door and opened it slightly, you know just in case it’s an axe murderer or whatever, but when I saw that it was my parents I just froze and stared at them.

“What do you want?” I replied coldly. They glanced at each other and then back at me.

“Dan called and told us you were upset, please Chris, can we just talk about this?”

I turned around and saw Dan staring at the floor. I sighed and spun back around to face them. “Yeah sure, whatever…” I walked away, leaving them to show themselves in, and sat down on the sofa. PJ left the room when he saw them come in to give us some privacy.

“Well, I think I’m gonna leave you 3 –“ Dan began to say but I cut him off.

“No, you are staying here since you called them…Now sit” I shuffled over so there was room for him and he hesitantly walked over and sat down.

My mum spoke up first. “Listen, I know you probably don’t want to speak to us right now but we need to talk…When we walked out we didn’t mean it the way you thought we did…we were just shocked that you were gay…a-and, I don’t want you to hate me for it b-because you’re my son and I-I love you…” She was tearing up by the time she had finished.

The one thing I couldn’t stand was seeing my mother cry but I wasn’t gonna give in that easily, they really hurt me. I turned to face my dad. “And you?”

“The same as your mother, I didn’t mean it in a bad way and we are both really happy for you”

I sat there staring at them for a while. I wanted to forgive them but I didn’t want to show them how forgiving I actually am. I needed to think about this.

I glanced at Dan and he nodded at me, obviously knowing I would know what it meant. I sighed and turned back to my parents. “Ok…I forgive you”

“Really? You do?” My mum’s eyes lit up as I said that. I nodded in response and she rushed over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

I looked at Dan over her shoulder and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him. He just smiled in reply.

“Honestly, you guys are really cute together” She said after she pulled away. This made me and Dan blush like mad. She pulled Dan into a hug as my dad just sat there awkwardly.

“Oh and Dan?” My dad spoke.


“Make sure you treat my boy right” He said in a stern but kind voice.


They stayed for another half an hour before leaving me and Dan sat there with huge smiles on our faces.

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