Chapter 1: Happines

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(A/N: Song: Snow Fairy)

Y/N = Your Name

M/N = Middle Name

F/C = Favorite color

S/F/C = Second favorite color

N/N = Nick name

T/N = Title name

A/N= Authors note

PoV = Point of View

(Y/N PoV) (Your 10 years old)

I walked outside the guild, I looked after my big brother. I walked and walked, and I could hear Gray yell. I ran towards the sound and saw Gray and Natsu fighting, just like usual. But I had a plan to stop them. I jumped down to them, and then made my puppy eyes.

,,G-Gray" I said, looking like I was going to cry.

,,Y/N?" He asked, as he looked at me.

,,W-Why are you fighting?" I asked, still looking like I was going to cry.

,,No Y/N! don't cry!" Gray said.

,,Wait Y/N is crying?!" Natsu asked, looking at me.

,,I-I don't like seeing you two fight" I said, with tears in my eyes.

,,Don't worry Y/N nothing bad is happening" both boys said, and hugged me.

When they weren't looking I smirked. My plan worked, mission complete! Now I just need to get them back to the guild, and find big bro's clothes. Just another day at the guild. I smiled and ran with Natsu and Gray in my hands.

-Time skip- (Your 17 now (I made Natsu and Gray 18)

I looked around the guild. Today that press is going to come taking pictures. I was the strongest girl in Fairy Tail, and fought with Natsu everyday cause he wanted to beat me. I am an S-Class wizard. My brother and Natsu got really jelly there I got my S-Class rank when they still didn't have theirs, and the point that I am younger than them doesn't help. I was known as the T/N. I heard the doors open with a loud Crash and in came the man. I rolled my eyes as he ran over to me.

,,Cool~ It's the T/N!" He said, taking pictures.

,,What is best cold or warmth?" He asked.

,,As a Ice wizard its more easy to be in cold, but I have no trouble with warmth" I answered.

,,Cool!!!!" He said, and took more pictures.

,,Here" I said, and gave him a star made out of ice

,,Cool! T/N gave me a rare gift! He said.

I just smiled, as he ran over to the next. 'rare and rare I can make as many as I want' I thought. I walked over to my brother and he smiled. I walked towards him and realized, he had clothes on for a change. He gave me a friendly punch on the arm, and I returned it. Then the camera man ran over to us.

,,Cool! T/N and Gray are you guys a thing?" He asked, with excited eyes.

,,No she is my little sister" He said, and gave me a light punch on the arm.

,,Cool!" He said, and took pictures at us.

He then walked away, and all I could do was stare into thin air. All these photos made my sight go nuts! The only thing I could see was my brother's raven hair and salmon. Wait salmon?! I closed my eyes and opened them again and saw Natsu's face really close to mine. I looked at Gray, but he didnt notice what was happening. I looked at Natsu again, as he said.

,,Have you seen Happy? I want to go on a mission with him" He said.

,,No I haven't but I can help you find him" I answered.

,,Thanks Y/N!" Natsu said and hugged me really tight.

,,N-Natsu C-Cant B-Breathe" I shuttered.

,,Oh sorry" He said and let go.

,,Ok where do we have to lo.." I cut off Natsu.

,,Oh see this really yummy fish it's a shame Happy aren't here I just got to eat it myself now" I said really loud.

,,Where!?" I heard Happy yell, and flew towards me. I gave him the fish.

,,Here is Happy" I said, to Natsu.

,,Thanks Y/N!" He said.

,,See you later Natsu" I said, waving.

,,Yeah see you later" He said and waved as he walked outside the guild.

(A/N: Daily qoute)

There is sunshine in

my soul today..

The forgotten, will she be remembered? (Natsu x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now